diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Varnost in policijsko delo
Bor Rotar (Author), Sabina Zgaga (Mentor), Brane Ažman (Co-mentor)


V tej diplomski nalogi smo predstavili temeljne značilnosti zakonodajnih organov in ustav Slovenije, Belgije, Danske, Finske, Francije in Nemčije. Pregledali smo zgodovinski razvoj ustav in zakonodajnih organov teh držav. Pri tem smo preučili pomembnejše dogodke, ki so vplivali na razvoj posamezne ustave. Ugotavljali smo razlike med sprejetjem zakona v predsedniškem sistemu in sistemu ustavne monarhije. Pri omenjenih državah smo pregledali sestavo, pristojnosti, volilni sistem, funkcije, nosilce zakonodajne pobude, postopke sprejetja zakona, razglasitev zakona in zahteve za razpis referenduma pri omenjenih državah. Pri sestavi smo opazovali razlike med posameznimi državami in strukturo njihovega zakonodajnega organa. Pri volilnem sistemu smo pregledali postopek, po katerem so člani voljeni v zakonodajno telo, in ugotavljali razlike med državami. Preučevali smo razlike med volilnimi sistemi, pri čemer je bil pomemben volilni sistem v Zvezni republiki Nemčiji, ki uporablja tako proporcionalni kakor tudi večinski volilni sistem. V zadnjem delu smo naredili še stavčno analizo ustav s programom Simple Concordance Program. Preučevali smo Ustavo Združenih držav Amerike in Ustavo Kraljevine Belgije ter ugotavljali, ali so razlike v uporabi besedišča. Najprej smo izpisali besede, ki se pojavljajo v posamezni ustavi, nato pa smo jih primerjali z besedami, ki se pojavijo v drugi ustavi. Ugotovili smo, da je večinski volilni sistem učinkovitejši od proporcionalnega volilnega sistema glede stabilnosti vlade. Ugotovili smo tudi, da ni bistvenih razlik pri sprejemanju zakona, ki bi določile, kateri sistem je boljši, predsedniški ali ustavna monarhija, ter da primerjava besedišča Ustave Združenih držav Amerike in Ustave Kraljevine Belgije ni zadostno merilo za ugotavljanje razlik v ureditvi zakonodajnega organa teh dveh držav.


ustave;zakonodaja;zakonodajna telesa;volilni sistemi;Slovenija;Avstrija;Belgija;Danska;Finska;Francija;Nemčija;primerjave;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: B. Rotar]
UDC: 342(043.2)
COBISS: 2955754 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1364
Downloads: 280
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: In this dissertation we have introduced the fundamental characteristics of the legislative bodies and Constitutions of Slovenia, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France and Germany. We have examined the historical development of Constitutions and the legislative bodies. We have examined the more important events, which affected the development of individual Constitutions. We have researched the differences in the legislative process of the Presidential system and the Constitutional Monarchy. We examined the structure of the previously mentioned countries their structure, permissions, system of elections, functions, who has the legislative initiative, the process of legislature, who promulgates the law and the requirements for a referendum. In the structure we have examined the differences between individual countries and their structure of their legislative body. In the system of elections we have examined the procedure, in which the members of the legislative body are elected, and what are the differences between the countries. We have examined the differences in election systems, especially in the system of election of the legislative body in Germany, which is composed of the proportional and the majority voting system. In the last part we will conduct a sentence analysis with the Simple Concordance Program. We have examined the Constitutions of The United States of America and Belgium and determined, if the differences are seen in the use of vocabulary. First we wrote down the words that are used in one Constitution, then we compared them to the words used in the other Constitution. We have determined, that the majority voting system is more efficient than the proportional voting system in terms of government stability. We also determined, that there are no major differences between the legislative procedure, which would determine which system is better between the Presidential system and Constitutional Monarchy and also, that the comparison of vocabulary in the Constitution of the United States of America and the Constitution of Belgium is not a standard for determining the differences between the arrangement of the legislative organs of these two countries.
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Pages: 55 str.
ID: 8751857
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