(magistrsko delo)
Marija Belovič (Author), Suzana Kraljić (Mentor), Milica Lahe (Co-mentor)


Teoretično izhodišče. Medicinske sestre se pri svojem delu dnevno srečujejo z osebnimi podatki pacientov. Zato je zelo pomembno, da vedo, kako naj z njimi ravnajo in jih zaščitijo pred morebitnimi zlorabami, ki so pogoste predvsem v zdravstvu. Tudi pacienti se vse bolj zavedajo svojih pravic in od zdravstvenih delavcev zahtevajo, da jih spoštujejo. Metodologija raziskovanja. Raziskava je temeljila na kvantitativni metodologiji. Njen namen je bil ugotoviti, v kolikšni meri zaposleni v patronažni zdravstveni negi poznajo zakone in predpise, ki urejajo področje varstva osebnih podatkov pacientov. Prav tako je bil namen ugotoviti, ali so pacienti zadovoljni z varovanjem zasebnosti in osebnih podatkov s strani zaposlenih v patronažni zdravstveni negi. Za izvedbo raziskave smo uporabili postopek zbiranja podatkov z metodo anketiranja v obliki pisnega vprašalnika. Izvedli smo jo v štirih zdravstvenih domovih koroške regije v času od 15. 9. do 20. 10. 2014. Prvi vprašalnik je bil namenjen medicinskim sestram v patronažnem varstvu, drugi pa pacientom, ki živijo na istem geografskem območju, katerega te medicinske sestre obiskujejo. S strani medicinskih sester je bilo vrnjenih 26 vprašalnikov, s strani pacientov pa 48 vprašalnikov. Za obdelavo rezultatov ankete smo uporabili računalniške programe IBM SPSS Statistics 20.0, Microsoft Office Word 2010 ter Microsoft Office Excel 2010. Rezultati raziskave. Raziskava je pokazala, da zaposleni v zdravstveni negi v patronažnem varstvu poznajo najpomembnejše zakonske akte s področja varovanja osebnih podatkov pacientov. Kar 62,5 % anketirancev se popolnoma strinja, da so njihovi osebni podatki dovolj in pravilno varovani. Ugotovili smo, da ne obstajajo statistično pomembne razlike (p=0,253) med anketiranimi pacienti glede na stopnjo izobrazbe pri poznavanju pravic s področja varstva osebnih podatkov. Ugotovili smo še, da se anketiranci, ki imajo višjo stopnjo izobrazbe niso bolje izkazali pri poznavanju zakonodaje (p=0,415). Rezultati so pokazali, da pri vplivu delovne dobe na poznavanje najpomembnejših zakonskih aktov s področja varstva osebnih podatkov ne obstajajo statistično pomembne razlike (p=0,438). Sklep. S strani pacientov je zaupanje v patronažno službo glede varstva osebnih podatkovna na visokem nivoju. Treba bo poskrbeti, da se to zaupanje ohrani in na nekaterih področjih še izboljša.


zdravstvena nega;patronažno varstvo;diplomirane medicinske sestre;varstvo osebnih podatkov;Zakon o varstvu osebnih podatkov;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [M. Belovič]
UDC: 349:614(043.2)
COBISS: 2106788 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1247
Downloads: 146
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Theoretical starting point During the performance of their duties registered nurses have to deal with patients' personal data on a daily basis. For this reason it is of great importance that they have the knowledge of how to use the data and to protect them against possible misuse which is mainly common in health care. Patients, also, are getting more and more aware of their rights and demand from healthcare professionals to respect their rights. Methodology of the survey The survey was founded on quantitative methodology. The purpose of the survey was to establish how much of the personnel of the community nursing care is familiar with the laws and regulations governing the area of protection of patients’ personal data. Additional purpose was also to establish whether or not the patients are content with the protection of their privacy and personal data by the personnel of the community nursing care. Data collection process with an interviewing method in a form of a written questionnaire was used to carry out the survey. The survey was carried out in four community health centres in the Koroška region from September 15th until October 20th 2014. The first questionnaire was intended for registered nurses in community health nursing and the second one for patients that live in that same geographical area which registered nurses are visiting. The questionnaire was completed by 26 registered nurses and 48 patients. The results of the survey have been processed with the following computer programmes: IBM SPSS Statistics 20.0, Microsoft Office Excel 2010, and Microsoft Office Word 2010. Results of the survey According to the results of the survey the personnel of the nursing care in community health nursing is familiar with the most important legislative acts governing the area of protection of patients' personal data. As much as 62,5 % of interviewees also completely agree that their personal data is enough and correctly protected. It was established that there are no statistically significant differences (p=0,253) among interviewed patients when it comes to knowledge of their rights from the area of protection of personal data regarding their level of education. It was also determined that interviewees with higher level of education were not miles better in knowing the legislation (p=0,415). Results also indicate that there are no statistically significant differences in knowing the most important legislative acts governing the area of protection of patients' data when it comes to years of service (p=0,438). Conclusion In reference to protecting personal data patients have a high level of trust in community nursing service. It is important to maintain this confidence and to improve it in some areas.
Secondary keywords: nursing care;community health nursing;registered nurse;protection of personal data;Personal Data Protection Act;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Pages: X, 73 str., 15 str. pril.
ID: 8751867
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