magistrsko delo
Luka Pajek (Author), Mateja Dovjak (Mentor), Janko Logar (Thesis defence commission member), Peter Lipar (Thesis defence commission member), Živa Kristl (Co-mentor)


Večina otrok zgodnje otroštvo preživlja v vrtcih, ki predstavljajo otrokovo fizično, biološko in socialno okolje. Namen magistrskega dela je integralno (celostno) oceniti udobje v petindvajsetih igralnicah izbranih osemnajstih vrtcev v osrednji Sloveniji. Integralna ocena udobja je potekala v štirih korakih, ki so zajemali meritve izbranih parametrov udobja in anketiranje zaposlenih. V koraku 1 smo opravili obširen pregled raziskav, identificirali probleme in določili kriterije za integralno oceno udobja. In-situ meritve parametrov toplotnega in svetlobnega udobja, kakovosti zraka in zvočnega udobja smo opravili v koraku 2 (objektivna ocena udobja). Poleg tega smo s pomočjo validiranega anketnega vprašalnika udobje subjektivno ocenili (korak 3). V okviru koraka 4 – integralne ocene udobja – smo med seboj primerjali izmerjene in izračunane parametre posameznega področja udobja v izbranih igralnicah, ovrednotili možno povezavo med različnimi parametri udobja, primerjali rezultate objektivne in subjektivne ocene udobja v vrtcih in poudarili ključne ugotovitve. Na podlagi narejenih korakov smo oblikovali ocenjevalno lestvico o integralnem (celostnem) udobju (ang. integral comfort scale) in predlagali možne izboljšave za doseganje udobnih in zdravih razmer v vrtcih. Raziskav, ki bi integralno (celostno) obravnavale toplotno in svetlobno udobje, kakovost notranjega zraka ter zvočno udobje v vrtcu, ni. S tem smo pristop integralne ocene udobja prvič uporabili za vzgojnoizobraževalno ustanovo. Ugotovili smo, da je udobje v večini obravnavanih vrtcev slabo, hkrati pa subjektivne ocene parametrov udobja v igralnicah večinoma odstopajo od objektivnih. S pomočjo ocenjevalne lestvice o integralnem udobju smo kot udobni igralnici ocenili le dve od petindvajsetih. Predlagamo celovite ukrepe, zasnovane na predstavljeni integralni oceni udobja, ki jih je treba upoštevati pri novogradnjah in prenovah vzgojno-izobraževalnih ustanov.


gradbeništvo;magistrska dela;vrtec;igralnica;otroci;zdravje;udobje;toplotno udobje;svetlobno udobje;kakovost zraka;zvočno udobje;lestvica o integralnem udobju;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL EF - Faculty of Economics
Publisher: [L. Pajek]
UDC: 697:365.6(043.2)
COBISS: 6959969 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2400
Downloads: 713
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Integral evaluation of playroom comfort in children day care centers
Secondary abstract: The majority of children spend their childhood in children day care centers, which represent the child's physical, biological and social environment. The purpose of this master thesis is to perform integral evaluation of comfort in twenty-five playrooms of eighteen Central-Slovenian children day care centers. Integral evaluation of comfort has been performed in four steps, which included measurements of selected parameters of comfort, as well as surveying of the employees. The comprehensive literature review was carried out in step 1 as we identified the problems and defined criteria for integral evaluation of comfort. In-situ measurements of the selected parameters of thermal and visual comfort, indoor air quality and acoustic comfort were carried out in step 2 (objective evaluation of comfort). In addition, the subjective evaluation of comfort was performed in step 3 on the basis of validated questionnaire. In the context of step 4 – integral evaluation of comfort – we compared the measured and calculated parameters of each comfort type, analyzed the possible relationship between various parameters of comfort in selected playrooms, compared the results of objective and subjective evaluation of comfort and exposed the key conclusions. Based on the implemented steps we formulated integral comfort scale. We suggested possible improvements for achieving comfortable and healthy conditions in children day care centers. We have found out that there are no researches, which would include integral evaluation of thermal, visual, acoustic comfort and indoor air quality of children day care centers. Consequently, we are the first who used integral evaluation of comfort approach in an educational institution. We have discovered that comfort in majority of day care centers is poor, while subjective evaluations of comfort parameters in playrooms were deviating from the objective ones. On the basis of integral comfort scale only two out of twentyfive playrooms were evaluated as integrally comfortable. Both, for new buildings as well as for the renovation of educational institutions, we suggest comprehensive measures, based on the presented integral evaluation of comfort.
Secondary keywords: civil engineering;master of science thesis;children day care center;playroom;children;health;comfort;thermal comfort;visual comfort;indoor air quality;acoustic comfort;integral comfort scale;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XXVIII, 80 str., [106] str. pril.
ID: 8752010