diplomski projekt
Uvod diplomskega projekta predstavi obravnavani problem in opredeli namen, cilje, hipoteze, predpostavke in omejitve ter predvidene metode raziskovanja. Drugo poglavje teoretično opredeli komuniciranje. Najprej je na osnovi komunikacijskega modela in procesa ter stopenj oblikovanja komunikacijskega procesa opisan pomen komuniciranja. Sledi opredelitev spleta marketinškega komuniciranja in marketinškega komuniciranja kot strateškega procesa v podjetju ter predstavitev orodij marketinškega komuniciranja. Nadalje je predstavljena analiza predvidenega modela marketinškega komuniciranja in za to uporabljenih orodij na svetovni razstavi EXPO 2015 v Milanu. Naslednje poglavje govori o svetovnih razstavah in o razstavi EXPO 2015. Opisuje zgodovino in pomen svetovnih razstav, pomen letošnje tematike razstave »Hrana za planet, energija za življenje« ter o naložbi in ekonomskem pomenu razstave EXPO 2015 za Italijo. Na podlagi slednjega je narejena tudi pripadajoča SWOT-analiza. Sledi opredelitev predstavljanja držav, mednarodnih in nevladnih organizacij ter podjetij na EXPO 2015. Poglavje se zaključi s predstavitvijo slovenskega gospodarstva na EXPO 2015, kjer so opisani pogoji razstavljanja, zgodba, koncept, razstavljavci in dogodki v slovenskem paviljonu ter spletna poslovna povezovalna platforma. V četrtem poglavju je opisana razstava EXPO 2015 kot orodje marketinškega komuniciranja slovenskega turizma. Pri tem sta analizirana predstavitev Slovenije kot turistične destinacije na EXPO 2015 in splet marketinškega komuniciranja slovenskega turizma na razstavi ter podani SWOT-analiza marketinškega komuniciranja slovenskega turizma ter temu pripadajoča sinteza ugotovitev analize in predlogi.
marketing;komuniciranje;marketinško komuniciranje;tržno komuniciranje;turizem;razstave;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2015 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business |
Publisher: |
[D. Režonja] |
UDC: |
659.3:338.48 |
Views: |
887 |
Downloads: |
87 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Worldʼs exhibition EXPO 2015 as a marketing communication tool of Slovene tourism |
Secondary abstract: |
In the introduction of the diploma project we describe the research field, define the research problem, set the objectives and hypotheses, formulate the assumptions and limitations and introduce the research methods. In the second chapter marketing communication is theoretically described by the interpretation of communication model and process and levels of marketing communication. In the second part of this section a structured communication model and communication tools of EXPO Milano are introduced. The next chapter discusses world exhibitions and their place in history of humankind, the theme of this year’s world exhibition and the investment and meaning of this exhibition for Italy. On this basis a SWOT analysis on the impact of EXPO on Italian economy is made. In the second part of this chapter the participants on the EXPO Milano are introduced and Slovenia's presentation on EXPO is described by an elaborate description of conditions for participation, Slovenia's story and concept for this exhibition and Slovene exhibitors and events in the Slovenian Pavilion. Additionally, in this part a description of the Slovene online business network platform is made. The last chapter is dedicated to Slovene tourism and EXPO Milano being its marketing communication tool. In this part of the diploma seminar the analysis of the presentation of Slovene tourist destination at EXPO is made; the marketing communication mix of Slovene tourism is analyzed and SWOT analysis of Slovene tourism marketing communication with its corresponding results and suggestions is performed. |
Secondary keywords: |
marketing communication;world exhibition;EXPO Milano 2015;tourism; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Final seminar paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak. |
Pages: |
44 str. |
ID: |
8752286 |