delo diplomskega seminarja
David Pori (Author), Igor Perko (Mentor)


Za današnjo družbo je značilen velik tehnološki napredek, ki se kaže v hitrem razvoju informacijskih tehnologij. Informacijska doba stremi k medsebojnemu povezovanju, hitremu dostopu informacij in mobilnosti. Izziv sodobne družbe je prilagoditi se tem zahtevam in jih uspešno vpeljati v organizacije. Z pravilno izbiro poslovnega informacijskega sistema lahko podjetje veliko pripomore k učinkovitosti poslovanja. Majhna podjetja se glede na srednje velika in velika podjetja razlikujejo po organizaciji, operativnemu načinu dela in informacijskem sistemu, zato morajo biti temu prilagojene tudi programske rešitve. Na trgu obstajajo različni ponudniki ERP rešitev, ki so posebej prilagojena za mala podjetja. Potrebno je preučiti in primerjati različne ponudnike teh sistemov, da bi lahko izbrati pravega za najbolj učinkovito poslovanje podjetja. Za izboljšanje poslovanja podjetja so se odločili tudi v podjetju Tehimpex d.o.o., kjer želijo nakup novega poslovno informacijskega sistema, saj dosedanji poslovni program zaradi nefunkcionalnosti upočasnjuje poslovne funkcije in ne omogoča dovolj možnosti za optimizacijo poslovanja. V nalogi preučim trg ponudnikov celovitih informacijskih rešitev in primerjam njihove lastnosti ter značilnosti. Iz celovite analize izberem najprimernejšega ponudnika, ki ga uvedem v podjetje Tehimpex.


poslovno informacijski sistemi;erp programske rešitve;poslovne rešitve;podjetje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [D. Pori]
UDC: 004.4/.6:659.23
COBISS: 12090652 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1854
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Choice of business information system in the company Tehimpex d.o.o.
Secondary abstract: Nowadays the technology has improved significantly, which is witnessed by fast progress of the information technology. The properties of the information period are mobility, mutual cooperation and in fast access of the information. The challenge of the society is the ability to adjust to those demands and to successfully introduce them in the organizations. With the right choice of the business information system the company can contribute significantly to successfulness of the company. Small companies differ from the average large and large complex companies by the organization, information system and by company operative management style. On this account the software solutions must be adjusted. On the market various providers of software solutions are present, which are especially adjusted for small companies. It is necessary to compare and to explain various providers of ERP systems in order to choose the right one for the effective operation of the company. In order to improve the operation of the company the employees in the company Tehimpex decided to buy a new business information system, since the business programs so far did not have the ability to optimize the company operations. In this diploma thesis I study the software solutions providers market and compare their properties. Among providers I choose the most suitable one for the company Tehimpex d.o.o.
Secondary keywords: Company Tehimpex d.o.o;Business solution Perftect.Largo;Business Information systems;ERP solutions;
Type (COBISS): Final seminar paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 35 str.
ID: 8752502