doktorska disertacija
Simon Oman (Author), Robert Leskovar (Mentor)


Doktorska disertacija obravnava integracijo poslovnega informacijskega sistema (ERP) in sistema za upravljanje proizvodnje (MES). Podatki v ERP nastajajo kot posledica poslovnih dogodkov in so relativno majhni po obsegu in redki v primerjavi z obsegom in frekvenco podatkov v MES. Zadnje je treba zajemati in obdelovati v realnem času, medtem ko obdelava poslovnih podatkov prenese večurne zakasnitve. Raziskava je osredotočena na konkreten informacijski sistem v poslovnem okolju avtomobilske industrije. Razvit je bil programski vmesnik za dvosmerno povezavo med poslovnim informacijskim sistemom Microsoft Dynamics NAV in sistemom za upravljanje proizvodnje Hydra. Programski vmesnik smo razvili z razvojnim okoljem C/SIDE (client/server integrated development environment). Vmesnik omogoča, da podatke ERP, kot so naročila, odpoklici, prodajni nalog in delovni nalog, v standardiziranem formatu dokumenta IDoc (intermediate document) prenesemo v delovni nalog posameznega stroja, ki ga nadzira MES. Prenos iz ERP v MES lahko sproži operater ali pa programirani časovni mehanizem. S tem je minimiran čas za implementacijo kakršnekoli spremembe delovnih nalogov na strojih (npr. povečanje količine izdelave ali najhitrejša mogoča ustavitev). Tok podatkov iz smeri MES v ERP se prav tako lahko sproži na zahtevo operaterja ali pa jo krmili časovni mehanizem. Tudi v tem primeru je uporabljen standardizirani format sporočila IDoc. V sistem ERP se prenesejo vsi relevantni podatki o dogodkih na strojih, kot so izdelana količina na posameznem delovnem nalogu, časi začetka in konca operacij in spremembe stanj strojev (delovanje, zastoj, okvara). Razvita je bila tudi aplikacija, ki te podatke prenese v sistem poslovnega obveščanja (BI, business intelligence). Za vrednotenje implementirane integracije je bil uporabljen model VRM (value reference model), ki smo ga prilagodili in prenesli v sistem poslovnega obveščanja. Model VRM definira merljive kazalnike učinkovitosti v več dimenzijah. Prilagojeni model VRM v konkretnem poslovnem okolju uporablja dimenzije: pretok, stroški in sredstva. Meritve eksperimenta, ki se nanašajo na 6-mesečno uporabo razvitega vmesnika za dvosmerno povezavo sistemov ERP in MES, so pokazale izboljšave v procesu naročanja in procesu načrtovanja. Doseženi so bili naslednji prihranki: v dimenziji pretok 48 %, v dimenziji stroški 25 % in v dimenziji sredstva 29 %. Razviti mehanizem dvostranske izmenjave podatkov je učinkovit, doseženi prihranki pa v rangu napovedi. Predstavljeni predlog omogoča nadaljnje raziskave s področja integracij med sistemi ERP in sistemi MES vzdolž celote oskrbovalne verige.


poslovni informacijski sistemi;ERP;sistemi za upravljanje proizvodnje;MES;integracija sistemov;povezave;avtomobilska industrija;management oskrbovalne verige;logistika;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization: UM FL - Faculty of Logistics
Publisher: [S. Oman]
UDC: 004.45:005.4(043.3)
COBISS: 512764989 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3804
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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Enterprise Resource Planning and Manufacturing Executing System Integration
Secondary abstract: This doctoral thesis examines the integration of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and the Manufacturing Execution System (MES). In ERP, the data are created as a consequence of enterprise events, are comparatively small in amount and infrequent in comparison to the data in the MES. The latter have to be gathered and processed in real time, while in the processing of business data, several hours' delay is acceptable. The research focuses on the real information system used in the automotive industry. A software interface was developed to establish a bidirectional connection between the ERP system Microsoft Dynamics NAV and MES system Hydra. The interface was developed in the Client/Server Integrated Development Environment (C/SIDE). This interface enables the transfer of ERP data, such as orders, calls-off, sales orders, and production orders written in the standardized Intermediate Document format (IDoc) into the production order of an individual machine controlled by the MES. Transfers from ERP to the MES can either be triggered by the operator or by a programmable timer. This minimizes the time required for the implementation of any changes in production orders on the machines (e.g. increase of output quantities, or the fastest possible shutdown). The data flow from the MES to ERP can likewise be controlled by the operator, or by the automated timer. In both cases, the message is in standardized IDoc format. The ERP system is fed all the relevant data on the events on the machines, e.g. the realized quantities per work order, time signature of the beginning of an operation and its completion, and changes in the machines’ status (production, standstill, and breakdown). Also, an application that transfers these data into the Business Intelligence (BI) system was developed. In order to assess the implemented integration, a Value Reference Model (VRM) was employed, adapted, and transferred into the BI system. The VRM model defines measureable indicators of efficiency in several dimensions. In this case, the adapted VRM model includes the dimensions of velocity of production, costs, and assets. The experimental measurements apply to six months’ of continuous usage of the developed interface for the bidirectional connection between ERP and the MES systems. Gathered data demonstrate that improvements were achieved both in the process of ordering and the planning process. The following results were achieved: improvement in the velocity dimension was 48%; improvement in the costs dimension was 25%; and improvement in asset dimension was 29%. The developed interface thus proved efficient and the process improvements were within the expected range. This research enables further fact-based research of ERP and the MES systems’ integration along the entire supply chains.
Secondary keywords: enterprise resource planning;manufacturing execution systems;integration;automotive industry;supply chain management;logistics;Informacijski sistemi;Disertacije;Integracija;Proizvodni sistemi;
Type (COBISS): Dissertation
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za logistiko
Pages: 124 str., [1] str. pril.
ID: 8752612