diplomsko delo
Tamara Korošec (Author), Boštjan Brezovnik (Mentor)


Socialno varstvo kot del socialne varnosti pomeni zagotavljanje storitev in denarne socialne pomoči rizičnim in ranljivim skupinam prebivalstva, ki nimajo zadostnih sredstev za preživljanje. Naloga države in lokalnih skupnosti je, da uresničujejo temeljni namen politike socialnega varstva, ter tako v sklopu svoje zakonske dolžnosti zagotavljajo posameznikom takšne razmere, da lahko slednji v povezavi z drugimi , tako v delovnem, bivalnem kot tudi družinskem okolju, uresničujejo vse svoje razvojne možnosti in dosegajo takšno raven kakovosti življenja, ki bo primerljiva z drugimi v okolju in bo prav tako ustrezala merilom človekovega dostojanstva . V sistemu socialnega varstva, ki je glede na sistem socialnega zavarovanja, sekundarno dopolnilni sistem, prvenstveno sodelujeta država in lokalne skupnosti. Področje socialnega varstva se tako financira iz večih virov, med katere sodi tudi občinski proračun. Na primeru Občine Hrpelje-Kozina, ki je del obalno-kraške statistične regije, smo preučili ureditev socialnega varstva na lokalni ravni, zainteresiranost lokalne skupnosti za vlaganje in razvoj socialnega varstva, ter hkrati analizirali tudi vsebino posameznih programov socialno varstvenih storitev in delež finančnih sredstev v občinskem proračunu občine, ki je namenjen so/financiranju socialnega varstva na območju občine. Namen lokalne skupnosti je med drugim tudi zagotavljanje dobrega življenja vseh občanov, tako smo z anketo preverili splošno mnenje občanov o ureditvi socialnega varstva v občini in zaključili z oceno: DOBRO.


lokalna samouprava;socialna varnost;socialno varstvene storitve;Občina Hrpelje-Kozina;financiranje socialnega varstva;socialno delo;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [T. Korošec]
UDC: 352:364(043.2)
COBISS: 4922155 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1032
Downloads: 188
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Social assistance as a part of social security consists of services as well as of financial and social assistance to the population at risk and to vulnerable sections of the population who do not have sufficient means of subsistence. The purpose of the social protection system in the Republic of Slovenia is to provide social security and to promote the social inclusion of all citizens and other residents. Within the framework of social protection policy, the state and the local communities are obliged to provide the conditions in which each individual, in connection with other persons from his/her family, working and living environment, can creatively cooperate and exploit his/her development opportunities. By acting so, each individual can achieve a quality of life which is comparable to the quality of life of other individuals and which corresponds to the standards of human dignity. In the Republic of Slovenia, social problems are solved through the social security system, which is basically implemented through two systems. The first one is the social insurance system, which is of primary importance in the social protection system, while the second one is a complementary social protection system, supported jointly by the state and by the local government. The sphere of social protection is funded through different sources, including the municipal budget. By focusing on the example of the Municipality of Hrpelje-Kozina as part of the Coastal-Karst statistical region, the social protection arrangement on the local level was studied and the interest of the local community in investing in the development of social protection was examined. At the same time, the content of the individual socio-health services was analysed and the share of financial assets allocated by the municipality for the co/financing of social protection within the municipality was examined. As it is the purpose of the local community to provide, among other things, a good life to all its citizens, public opinion regarding the arrangement of social protection within the municipality was measured with a survey, which assessed the level of social protection as GOOD.
Secondary keywords: social security;social services;the Municipality of Hrpelje-Kozina;social security funding;social work;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak.
Pages: VI, 54 f.
ID: 8752614