diplomsko delo
Andreja Breznik (Author), Suzana Kraljić (Mentor)


V diplomskem delu bo obravnavano področje iz dednega prava, in sicer institut dedovanja. Omenjen institut ima tako močno težo, da je povzdignjen na ustavno raven in kot takšen omenjen v Ustavi RS, in sicer v 33. členu, ki narekuje, da je v Sloveniji zagotovljena pravica do zasebne lastnine in do dedovanja. V Sloveniji je uveljavljen princip svobodnega dedovanja oziroma testiranja, ki zapustniku omogoča, da z oporoko razpolaga s svojim premoženjem tudi za čas po njegovi smrti, saj je dedovanje v bistvo prehod premoženja umrle osebe na druge osebe. Hkrati pa oporočno dedovanje pomeni na eni strani pravico zapustnika, da določi, komu bo zapustil svoje premoženje, na drugi strani pa dedovanje predstavlja tudi upravičenje dedičev, da nasledijo zapustnikovo imetje. Načelo svobodnega oporočnega razpolaganja (svoboda testiranja) je eno izmed temeljnih načel dednega prava. To pomeni, da lahko zapustnik z oporoko odloča o usodi svojega premoženja za primer smrti, ne da bi se oziral na zakoniti dedni red. Naše pravo pozna dva dedna naslova in sicer zakon in oporoko. Institut oporoke je v bistvu izraz svobode testiranja, ki pa pri nas, v našem pravu ni povsem neomejena, saj zapustnik lahko z oporoko razpolaga s svojim premoženjem na način in v mejah, kot to določa zakon. Svoboda razdelitve premoženja oz. testiranja se omejuje predvsem zaradi omogočanja koristi zapustnikovih najbližjih svojcev. Ravno omejitvi testiranja pa bo posvečeno diplomsko delo, v kateri bodo predstavljene meje, do koder ima posameznik pravico samostojno razpolagati s svojim premoženjem tudi po svoji smrti, in kje se ta pravica posameznika konča. Zapustnikova svoboda testiranja je namreč omejena z določenimi kogentnimi določbami, s katerimi zapustniku omejimo svobodno razpolaganje s premoženjem po smrti. Poudarek diplomskega dela, svoboda testiranja, pa ima stične točke, sploh glede možnosti samostojnega in svobodnega razpolaganja s premoženjem ter z dedovanjem po zakonu, saj v kolikor se ne upošteva omejitev, določenih z zakonom, se oporoka lahko izpodbija in tudi razveljavi. To specifično področje, svoboda testiranja, pa ni absolutna, zato bo namen diplomske naloge predvsem opisati in navesti omejitve pri pisanju oporoke in razporejanju premoženja po smrti. Celotno delo bo tako zaokrožen prikaz analiz veljavne ureditve dedovanja v Sloveniji, skozi teoretičen in praktičen vidik.


dedno pravo;dedovanje;svoboda oporočnega razpolaganja;nujni delež;zapustnik;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [A. Breznik]
UDC: 347.65/.68(043.2)
COBISS: 4920107 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1373
Downloads: 272
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The thesis treats the field of the Inheritance Law whose fundamental institute is the institute of inheritance. The mentioned institute is of such importance, rising it to the constitutional level and is as such mentioned in the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia, and thus under the Article 33, which assures in the Republic of Slovenia the right to private property and the right to inheritance. In Slovenia stands the principle of free inheritance respectively testamentary that allows a testator to dispose with his property by a will even after his death since inheritance is in essence a transference of the deceased’s property onto other persons. At the same time, inheritance means on the one hand the right of a testator to determine to whom he will bequeath his property, and on the other hand the inheritance also represents the entitlement of inheritors to succeed the property of the testator. The principle of free testamentary disposal (freedom of testamentary) is one of the fundamental principles of the inheritance law. This means that a testator may by his last will determine the destiny of his property for the instance of death, without taking into consideration the legal inheritance order. There are two inheritance titles in our law, and thus law and the last will. The institute of inheritance is in essence an expression of free testamentary, which here, under our law, is not completely unlimited as a testator may dispose by his last will with his property in ways and within limits determined by the law. The freedom to partition the property respectively the freedom of testamentary is limited mainly to make benefits possible to the closest relatives of the testator. The limitation of testamentary is precisely what the thesis is dedicated to, representing the limits to which an individual has the right to dispose independently with own property also after own death, and where this right of an individual ends. The testators’ freedom of testamentary is namely limited by certain cogent provisions by which a testator is limited to freely dispose with property after death. The emphasis of the thesis, the freedom of testamentary, has connecting points especially as to the possibility of independent and free testamentary disposal of the property and with inheritance according to the law, since, if the limitations set by the law are ignored, last will can be challenged and also annulled. This specific area, the freedom of testimony, is not absolute therefore the purpose of the thesis will be, above all, to depict and state the limitations when making a last will and disposal of property after death. The entire work will be a rounded depiction of analysis of current inheritance regulation in Slovenia through a theoretical and practical aspect.
Secondary keywords: Inheritance;freedom of disposal by a will;reserved portion;testator;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak.
Pages: 72 f.
ID: 8752652
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