magistrsko delo
Tina Janežič (Author), Igor Bernik (Mentor)


Računalnik, mobilni telefon, internet, … besede, ki jih danes uporabljamo in slišimo skoraj na vsakem koraku. Dejstvo je, da je internet postal del našega vsakdanjika in brez njega si veliko ljudi več ne predstavlja življenja, saj nam je prinesel veliko koristi, nam omogočil neomejeni dostop do vseh informacij na vseh koncih sveta, prav tako pa je s seboj prinesel razne nevarnosti, katerim so najbolj izpostavljeni otroci. Pri uporabi spleta se namreč ne zavedajo, oziroma bolje rečeno pozabijo, na možne nevarnosti, ki so jim izpostavljeni, česar pa se dobro zavedajo storilci, ki te nevarnosti s pridom izkoriščajo. Internet je vsekakor olajšal mnogo stvari, a mu gre po drugi strani pripisati tudi nove oblike izvajanja kriminala, kot sta kibernetsko zalezovanje in nadlegovanje, ki sta za Slovenijo in za marsikatero drugo državo dokaj nov in s tem še ne dobro raziskan pojav. Veliko ljudi se namreč ne zaveda, da kibernetski prostor prinaša popolnoma enake grožnje, kot jih prinaša vsakdanje življenje, zato bomo v magistrski nalogi pisali o kibernetskem nadlegovanju in zalezovanju med otroki, odkrivanju načinov in obliki zalezovanj in nadlegovanja na spletu ter odkrivanju storilcev in otrocih kot žrtvah, prav tako pa smo preučili posledice ter delovanje državnih organov in institucij za preprečevanje in zatiranje kibernetskega nadlegovanja in zalezovanja. S pomočjo ankete je bila izvedena raziskava med 105 otroki, starimi od 9 do 14 let, s katero se je ugotavljalo stanje rabe informacijsko komunikacijske tehnologije (IKT). Vprašanja so se nanašala predvsem na rabo IKT, na morebitne zlorabe, ki so jih doživljali otroci ali jih izvajali sami v časovnem obdobju zadnjih 12 mesecev ter na njihovo odzivanje, ukrepanje in strah, ki so ga začutili ob nadlegovanju ali zalezovanju na spletu. Prav tako smo ugotavljali, kako so uporabniki spleta, v našem primeru otroci, seznanjeni z varno uporabo interneta, ali jih s tem seznanjajo starši oz. šola ter ali vedo, na katere organizacije se lahko obrnejo po pomoč v primeru zalezovanja ali nadlegovanja v kibernetskem prostoru. Na podlagi njihovih odgovorov lahko sklepamo, da se zavedajo internetnih pasti, vendar ob uporabi svetovnega spleta nanje dokaj hitro pozabijo, zato smo na podlagi ugotovitev oblikovali korake za varno rabo interneta.


kibernetski prostor;kibernetska kriminaliteta;nadlegovanje;zalezovanje;otroci;internet;varnost;magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: [Ljubljana
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: T. Janežič]
UDC: 343.3/.7:004(043.2)
COBISS: 2965226 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1219
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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Computer, mobile phone, internet… The words that we nowadays hear on almost every step. The factis that the Internet has become a part of our every day life, without which many people could not imagine their life, because it offers a lot of benefits that provide us with unlimited access to all information in every end of the world.However, the Internet also presents various risks, to which children are the most exposed to, because they are not aware or in other words, they forget about the possible dangers that they are exposed to, and the perpetrators are well aware of this and they exploit this very fact. The Internet has certainly facilitated many things, but on the other side, it has also presented new forms of implementation of crime, such as cyberstalking and harassment, which are fairly new phenomena, that have not yet been well researched. Many people are not aware of the fact that they cyberspace bring exactly the same threats as everyday life. That is why we wrote a master's thesison cyberharassment and stalking among children, on finding way sand forms of stalking and harassmenton the Internet and on discovering the perpetrators and children as victims. We also studied the consequences, as well as the functioning of statebodies and institutionsto prevent and combat cyberharassment and stalking. We used the method of questionnaire survey, which was conducted among 105 children aged 9 to 14, in which we examined the state of the use of information and communication technology(ICT). The questions are mainly related to the use of ICT, to any abuse children experience do they inflicted on other sover a period of 12 months, to the irresponse and to the fear that they felt due to online harassment or stalking. We also observed how web users, in our case the childrens, are familiar with the safe use of Internet and whather their parents or school edicate them about it, and whether they know which organization to turn to for help in case of online stalking or harassment. Based on their answers we can conclude that they are aware of the traps of the Internet, however,when using the Internet they easily forget about them. That is why wepresented the steps, which are necessaryfor the safe use of the Internet.
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Pages: 72 str.
ID: 8752713
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