diplomsko delo


Predstavljeno diplomsko delo izhaja iz problematike finančnih kriz, ki so v zadnjih desetletjih izjemno aktualne. Finančna kriza predstavlja skupek valutne, bančne in dolžniške krize. Razdelimo jih v tri generacije finančnih kriz. Raziskovanje je usmerjeno v raziskovanje problematike globalizacije in z njo povezanih finančnih kriz. Zaradi vse večje odprtosti gospodarstev so posebnega pomena okužbene krize, ki pomenijo prenos krize iz ene države ali regije v drugo. Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti vplive globalizacije blagovnih in finančnih trgov ter prepletenost gospodarstev na nastanek kriz. Med drugim se osredotočimo tudi na stanje v Sloveniji in možnosti za omilitev krize. V sklepnem delu smo dokazali postavljeni hipotezi. Ugotovili smo, da globalizacija predstavlja enega izmed vzrokov za nastanek in razvoj okužbenih kriz, saj se z odpiranjem gospodarstev prenašajo ne le pozitivni, ampak tudi negativni učinki. Prav posebno mesto med okužbenimi krizami imajo male države, kot je tudi Slovenija, ki so še posebej odvisne od internacionalizacije gospodarstva in so s tem podvržene tudi okužbam iz drugih držav.


globalizacija;finančna kriza;okužbena kriza;azijska kriza;globalna finančna kriza;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [J. Podlesek]
UDC: 338.134.4:336
COBISS: 12086812 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1302
Downloads: 87
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Globalisation and contagion crisis
Secondary abstract: The thesis researches the problem of financial crisis in the past decades, that has become extremely important issue. Financial crisis is a set of currency, banking and debt crisis. They are divided into three generations of financial crises.The research is focused on exploring issues of globalisation and its linkage to financial crises. The increasing openness of economies are of special importance for infection crisis, which involve the transfer of crisis from one country or region to another. The purpose of the thesis is to present the effects of globalisation of trade and financial markets and the interlace between economies in crisis. We focus also on the situation in Slovenia and options to mitigate the Slovene crisis. In conclusion, we demonstrated hypotheses. We found that globalisation represents one of the causes of the emergence and development of contagion crisis since the opening of economies causes not only positive but also negative effects. For small countries such as Slovenia, the financial and especially contagion crisis are important, as they particularly dependent on the internationalisation of their economies and are therefore also subject to infection from other countries.
Secondary keywords: globalisation;financial crisis;contagion crisis;Asian crisis;global financial crisis;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: II, 49 f.
ID: 8752833