diplomsko delo
Sodobna tehnologija je že tako prepredla vse pore našega življenja, da si tudi v šolstvu ne moremo predstavljati dela brez nje. Nekoč so se učitelji ukvarjali z grafoskopi in prosojnicami, danes pa večina njih ne more brez računalnika, interaktivne table, projektorjev in računalniških orodij in programov, ki sodijo zraven. Tako se učitelji približajo tudi spremenjenemu načinu sprejemanja in razmišljanja učencev in dijakov (v nadaljevanju dijaki).
Pomemben podatek, ki se preverja vsako šolsko uro, je preverjanje prisotnosti dijakov pri pouku. Žal se za to aktivnost porabi preveč dragocenega časa, ki bi ga učitelj lahko posvetil poučevanju in preverjanju nove snovi ter seveda vprašanjem dijakov, ki so pomemben dejavnik usvajanja novega znanja. Prav tako pa obstaja možnost da dijak manjka, pa ga učitelj ne vpiše, ker dežurni dijak ni poročal o odsotnosti.
Namen diplomske naloge je narediti čim lažji sistem vpisovanja prisotnosti dijakov pri pouku in s tem omogočiti učitelju več časa za poučevanje. Izdelati je potrebno RFID modul, ki bo imel čitalec čipov. Dijaki bi svojo prisotnost potrjevali s pomočjo čipa, ki bi ga prislonili na čitalec na učiteljevi mizi. Iz zbranih podatkov v bazi pa bi bilo mogoče narediti različne statistične obdelave, ki bi zopet prihranile čas učitelju, staršem in ostalim zainteresiranim (ravnatelj, šolska svetovalna služba) pa hitro prikazale različne pomembne povezave.
Vsekakor pa je za vpeljavo takega načina vodenja evidence prisotnosti pomemben pozitiven odnos vodstva šol in učiteljev.
evidenca prisotnosti;RFID modul;baze;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2014 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UM FERI - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science |
Publisher: |
[D. Lebar] |
UDC: |
004.056.523:004.78(043.2) |
Views: |
821 |
Downloads: |
74 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Secondary abstract: |
Modern technology has already interwoven every pore of our life so even at school we cannot imagine work without it. In the past teachers used to deal with overhead projectors and transparencies but nowadays the majority cannot do without a computer, interactive board, projectors, computer tools and programs that belong to it. This way teachers approach to different way of accepting and thinking of pupils and students (hereinafter students).
A vital fact, which is checked every lesson, is checking the presence of the students. Unfortunately too much time is spent on this activity, which could be dedicated to teaching and testing new topics and , of course, to students' questions, which are a very important fact of assimilation of new knowledge. There is also a chance that a student is missing but the teacher does not write them in because a student on does not report the absence.
The intention of this diploma work is to make a system as easy as possible to write in the school attendance and this way give teachers more time to teach. RFID module must be made, having a chip reader. Students would confirm their presence with the help of the chip which they would lean on the scanner on the teacher’s desk. From the collected data in the base it would be possible to make different statistic processing, which would again save time teachers, parents and other interested (the principle, school consultancy services) and quickly show different important connections.
In any case to introduce such a way of keeping a record of school attendance a positive attitude of school management and teachers is important. |
Secondary keywords: |
attendance record;RFID module;base; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Bachelor thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko, Računalništvo in informacijske tehnologije |
Pages: |
VI, 26 f. |
ID: |
8752878 |