diplomsko delo


V diplomski nalogi z naslovom Pomen družine pri preprečevanju uživanja drog pri mladostnikih smo v teoretičnem delu predstavili pomen in značilnosti družine, vzgojne stile oz. vrste vzgoje ter pomen in vlogo družine pri preprečevanju uživanja drog. Obdobja odraščanja, razloge, zakaj mladi začnejo uživati droge in zakaj s tem nadaljujejo, vpliv družine in vrstnikov pri odraščanju mladostnikov in povezavo med mladoletniškim prestopništvom in drogo. V zadnjem poglavju teoretičnega dela smo pregledali možnosti prevencije na področju zlorabe drog med mladimi, predvsem kaj lahko stori družina, šola, vladni in ne vladni programi na tem področju. Namen empiričnega dela diplomske naloge je bil preučiti pomen družine pri preprečevanju uživanja drog pri mladostnikih. V tem delu diplomske naloge smo predstavili in interpretirali rezultate raziskave, ki smo jo s pomočjo anonimnega anketnega vprašalnika izvedli med dijaki štirih različnih srednjih šol podravske in pomurske regije v Sloveniji. Ugotovili smo, da se mladostniki največkrat občasno pogovarjajo s starši o stvareh, ki jih težijo oz. o svojih težavah. Kar 30,0 % mladostnikov se v družini (torej s starši) sploh ne pogovarja o drogah in 50,9 % se o njih pogovarjajo le redko (nekajkrat na leto). Skoraj vsi anketirani mladostniki so že poskusili dovoljene droge (98,2 %) in jih najpogosteje uživajo občasno. Tudi nedovoljene droge je že poskusilo veliko anketiranih mladostnikov, in sicer 38,8 %, kar 25,6 % anketiranih mladostnikov je uživalcev nedovoljenih drog, a 74,4 % mladostnikov ne uživa nedovoljenih drog. Raziskava je pokazala, da poskušanje tako dovoljenih kot nedovoljenih drog ni odvisno od tipa družine, v kateri mladostniki živijo in od tipa vzgoje, ki so jo deležni.


diplomska dela;droge;družina;vzgojni stili;mladostniki;vrstniki;prevencija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [J. Kreslin Rauter]
UDC: 316.36:613.83-053.6(043.2)
COBISS: 21505544 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1412
Downloads: 256
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂrole of the family in preventing drug abuse among adolescents
Secondary abstract: In the theoretical part of the diploma thesis with the title The Role of the Family in Preventing Drug Abuse among Adolescents the topics meaning and characteristics of the family, types of parenting stiles as well as the importance and role of the family in preventing drug abuse are introduced. Furthermore the topics the period of adolescence, the reasons why adolescents start abusing drugs and why they continue with it, the influence of the family and peers on adolescents and the connection between juvenile delinquency and drugs are discussed. In the final chapter of the theoretical part the prevention methods in the field of drug abuse among adolescents are examined. The main focus is put on the influence of family, school, governmental and non-governmental programs on preventing drug abuse. The purpose of the empirical part of the diploma thesis is to examine the role of the family in preventing drug abuse among adolescents. In this part the results of the research are introduced and interpreted. The research has been performed among the students of four different high schools in the Podravska end Pomurska region in Slovenia who filled out an anonymous questionnaire. The research has come to the conclusion that most adolescents occasionally talk with their parents about their problems. 30,0 % of the adolescents never discuss the topic of drug abuse within their family (with their parents) and 50,9 % of them do so very rarely (only a few times a year). Almost everyone (98,2 %) who took part in the research has already tried legal drugs and the majority of those adolescents consumes them occasionally. Many of the participating adolescents (38,8 %) have also tried illegal drugs and 25,6 % of them consume illegal drugs regularly. 74,4 % of the adolescents do not consume illegal drugs. Whether or not adolescents try legal or/and illegal drugs is not connected with the type of family they live in or with the type of parenting style of their parents.
Secondary keywords: theses;drugs;family;types of parenting styles;adolescents;peers;prevention;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za sociologijo
Pages: 127 f.
ID: 8752967