magistrsko delo Organizacija in management informacijskih sistemov


Služba za informatiko oz. pomoč uporabnikom želi uporabnikom v organizaciji zagotoviti čim bolj učinkovito podporo pri njihovem delu. Uporabniki napako (zahtevek) prijavijo preko telefona, elektronske pošte ali na kateri drug možni način in pričakujejo, da bo odpravljena v najkrajšem možnem času. Magistrska naloga obravnava problematiko upravljanja in zadovoljstva z rešitvijo zahtevkov (intervencijami) uporabnikov na sodiščih ljubljanskega okrožja pri njihovi uporabi informacijske tehnologije. Tega do sedaj nismo spremljali, zato v delu Službe za informatiko ni bilo transparentnosti, učinkovitosti in možnosti priprav raznih analiz in poročil o opravljenem delu ter povratnih informacij uporabnikov o zadovoljstvu z načinom rešitve njihovih zahtevkov. Najprej smo opredelili Službo za informatiko in njeno vlogo v okolju sodišč, nato smo s pomočjo raziskave beležili in analizirali rezultate zahtevkov, ki so jih v enem mesecu sporočili uporabniki (zaposleni). S tem smo dobili vpogled v nabor težav, ki jih imajo uporabniki, hkrati pa pridobili podatke o obremenjenosti posameznih informatikov. Na podlagi tega smo pripravili načrt sistemskih sprememb pri proženju in reševanju zahtevkov uporabnikov s pomočjo aplikacije HELPDESK – Centralna podpora uporabnikom, v kateri uporabniki sami prožijo zahtevke brez telefonskih klicev, sledijo rešitvam zahtevkov ter sami iščejo rešitve v bazi znanja. V zaključku rešitve zahtevka imajo možnost preko ankete izraziti zadovoljstvo z opravljeno storitvijo, kar postane vodilo za nadaljnje izboljšave aplikacije in dela informatikov.


sodišče;pomoč uporabnikom;rešitev prvega klica;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Publisher: [M. Potočnik]
UDC: 004.5
COBISS: 7453715 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1590
Downloads: 196
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The IT department or Helpdesk must provide users with the most effective IT support. Users usually communicate errors or technical problems by phone, email or any other possible way and expect it to be resolved as quickly as possible. This master's thesis deals with the problems of managing the solutions to users’ technical problems when they use information technology or need help. It also collects user satisfaction feedback on the given solution at Ljubljana District Court. This has never been monitored before; because of this, the IT department’s work was not transparent or efficient, and nor was it able to provide any analyses or reports. It has also never received any user satisfaction feedback on how solutions were provided for them. Firstly, the IT Department and its role in the court environment was defined. All the technical problems reported by users (employees) in September 2013 were recorded and analysed. This provided an insight into the range of problems that users have, and at the same time information on the burden of individual IT professionals was obtained. Based on this a plan was prepared for systematic changes in submitting and resolving user submitted requests for resolving technical issues. This was carried out by launching a new application: HELPDESK – Central User Support. The application helps users to submit their requests online without phone calls, to follow the procedure for the solution to their request, and to search for solutions themselves in the knowledge database. As the final step in the solution procedure, the application prompts users to express their satisfaction with the service provided, which will provide guidelines for further improvement in the application and in the work of the IT department.
Secondary keywords: court;helpdesk;first call resolution;customer support service satisfaction;ITIL v2;IBM PRM-IT 3.0;knowledge database;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. Maribor, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Pages: 124 f.
ID: 8756898
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