diplomsko delo
Amanda Zajšek (Author), Miran Muhič (Mentor)


V diplomski nalogi smo želeli ugotoviti, kako športne dejavnosti v naravi vplivajo na zdravje otrok. V teoretičnem delu je opisan gibalni in telesni razvoj otroka, športne dejavnosti v naravi skozi letne čase in vloga gibalnih dejavnosti v naravi pri ohranjanju in krepitvi zdravja; pri tem smo opredelili vlogo vzgojiteljev, vlogo družbe in vlogo staršev. V empiričnem delu smo na osnovi odgovorov 200 anketiranih staršev otrok, ki obiskujejo vrtce v okolici Ptuja, ugotovili, da so starši skupaj z otrokom gibalno/športno aktivni in da se zavedajo, kako pomembno je vsakodnevno gibanje v naravi za otrokovo zdravje. Pri tem kot motivacijo v veliki večini izbirajo pozitivne spodbudne besede. V naravi se z otrokom največkrat sprehajajo po parku, igrajo z žogo ali pa raziskujejo gozd. Velikokrat jim pomanjkanje časa onemogoča redno gibanje v naravi skupaj z otrokom, kar nekaj staršev pa meni, da se z otrokom dovolj gibajo v naravi, prav tako pa v večini menijo, da je otrok tudi v vrtcu dovolj časa na svežem zraku. Večina staršev je skupaj s svojim otrokom v vseh letnih časih enako časa v naravi. V veliki večini starši menijo, da imajo dovolj informacij o pomenu rednega gibanja v naravi za zdravje otrok, kar dokazuje tudi to, da so označili pomembnost gibanja v naravi za otrokovo zdravje kot zelo pomembno.


diplomska dela;gibanje v naravi;predšolski otroci;zdravje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [A. Zajšek]
UDC: 796.035-053.4(043.2)
COBISS: 21495560 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1748
Downloads: 298
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: In this thesis, we wanted to examine the effects of outdoor activities on children's health. In the theoretical part, we have described the motor and physical development of a child, outdoor activities during different seasons and the role of outdoor physical activities in maintaining and strengthening health. In this part, we have also defined the roles of teachers, society and parents. For the empirical part, we interviewed 200 parents, whose children are enrolled in kindergartens in Ptuj area, and based on their answers, we established, that the parents are quite active together with their children, and that they are aware of the importance of daily outdoor activities for their child's well-being. The vast majority of the parents use positive motivational language to motivate their children. Parent's outdoor activities with their children usually involve walking in the park, playing ball-games or investigating the forest. Lack of time often prevents parents' from spending time outdoors with their children, but quite a few of the interviewed parents think they spend enough time outdoors with their child, moreover most of them also think that the children spend enough time outside during their stay in kindergarten. Most parents spend the same amount of time outdoors with their child regardless of the season. A great majority of the parents think they have enough information on the importance of regular physical exercise outside for the child's health, which is also indicated by the fact, that they have identified physical activity outdoors within the natural environment as a very important feature of child's health and well-being.
Secondary keywords: theses;outdoor physical activities;pre-school education;health;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za predšolsko vzgojo
Pages: 76 f.
ID: 8757014