diplomsko delo
Blaž Špegelj (Author), Borut Holcman (Mentor)


Zemljiška knjiga je javna knjiga, namenjena vpisu in javni objavi podatkov o pravicah na nepremičninah in pravnih dejstvih v zvezi z nepremičninami. Sestavljena je iz glavne knjige in zbirke listin. Glavni pomen zemljiške knjige je načelo zaupanja v zemljiško knjigo (vsi podatki, kateri so vpisani v zemljiško knjigo so točni in nanje se lahko tudi lahko zanesemo), saj je pomembno, da kdor v pravnem prometu pošteno ravna in se zanese na podatke o pravicah, ki so vpisani v zemljiški knjigi, zaradi tega ne sme trpeti škodljivih posledic. Leta 1871 so se zaključili vpisi v stare zemljiške knjige in nastal je Splošni zakon o zemljiški knjigi (Obči zemljeknjižni zakon-Allgemeines Grundbuchgesetz) za območje nekdanje avstro-ogrske monarhije, ki je poenotil različne deželne zakone, ki so veljali pred njim. Ta enoten zakon je pripomogel k razvoju zemljiško-knjižnega prava in pustil vzorce, ki jih najdemo še v današnjih zemljiško-knjižnih zakonih na tem območju. Zakon iz leta 1871 je postal tako temelj Zakona o zemljiških knjigah iz leta 1930, ki pa je prav tako pomemben za naše območje, saj je bil prvi takšen zakon poenoten za območje Kraljevine Jugoslavije in zelo pomemben za razvoj pravne terminologije na področju zemljiškoknjižnega prava. Za naše pravno okolje je torej izjemnega pomena leto 1930, ko so bili sprejeti Zakon o zemljiških knjigah, Zakon o notranji ureditvi, osnovanju in popravljanju zemljiških knjig, Zakon o zemljiških delitvah, odpisih in pripisih ter Pravilnik za vodenje zemljiških knjig iz leta 1931. Ti predpisi so urejali zemljiškoknjižno pravo za celotno Kraljevino Jugoslavijo in bili pripravljeni po zgledu na avstrijske zemljiškoknjižne predpise iz leta 1871. Navedeni prepisi so se uporabljali v Sloveniji tudi v obdobju po drugi svetovni vojni kot pravna pravila (kar je veljalo tudi za ODZ). Komaj leta 1995 je bil v Sloveniji sprejet Zakon o zemljiški knjigi, katerega veljavnost pa se je končala dokaj hitro, saj ga je že leta 2003 derogiral novi Zakon o zemljiški knjigi, ki pa z novelo ZZK-1C že podrobno razčlenjuje elektronsko poslovanje zemljiške knjige. Ker sta zemljiškoknjižna zakona iz leta 1871 in leta 1930 ključna za nastanek pravne terminologije na tem področju, menim, da bo primerjava s sodobno ureditvijo po Zakonu o zemljiški knjigi (ZZK-1, ureditev po noveli ZZK-1C) pripomogla k boljšemu razumevanju temeljev, ki so nastali s pomočjo teh dveh zgodovinskih zemljiškoknjižnih zakonov. S to pomočjo si bomo tudi lažje praktično razlagali sodobno ureditev z elektronsko ureditvijo zemljiške knjige.


zemljiška knjiga;Obči zemljeknjižni zakon (1871);Zakon o zemljiških knjigah (1930);ZZK-1;elektronska zemljiška knjiga;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [B. Špegelj]
UDC: 349.4(091)(043.2)
COBISS: 4922667 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1656
Downloads: 462
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: LAND REGISTER 1871-2003
Secondary abstract: Land register is a public book, serving for registration and data-publication about rights to real estate and law facts connected with them. The land register consists of the main book and documents. The land register`s main aim is the trust into it (all data being written in it are true and it can be trusted in them). It is important that the one, who is honest in the law and who trusts all the data about rights, can therefor never suffer harmful consequeces. In 1871 the registrations in land registers were finished and so we got the Land Register Act in general (General Land Register-Allgemeines Grundbuchgesetz) for the area of the ex Austria-Hungary monarchy,which standardized various lands-law that had been in use before.This unified law helped to develope the Land Register Law and left samples which can be found in the land-law of nowadays in this area. General Land Register from the year 1871 become the base for the Land Register Act from the year 1930. It is also very important for our area. It was for the first time that it was standardized for the area of Yugoslavia monarchy. It was also very important for the development of the legal terminology. The year 1930 is very important for our legal field because the Land Register Act, Act for internal organization, establishment and repair of land registers, Division Act of land, write-offs and annotations and the Rule Book for doing with the Land Registers from the year 1931 were accepted. All these rules were used as a base for the Land Register Act of the whole Yugoslavia monarchy and they were based on the Austrian Land Register from the year 1871. Mentioned rules were used in Slovenia after the World War II as legal rules. In the year 1995 the Land Register Act was accepted but it was in use for a very short period of time because we become the new Land Register Act in 2003, which (with the Amendment 1C of the Land Register Act) includes the electronic land register. General Land Register from the year 1871 and the Land Register Act from the year 1930 are the most important for the development of legal terminology. I think that the comparison to the Land Register Act (ZZK-1, Amendment 1C of the Land Register) will lead to better understanding of basis based on the two historical Land Register Acts. With the electronic land register contemporary order would be better understood.
Secondary keywords: Land register;General Land Register from year 1871;Land Register Act from year 1930;Land Register Act (ZZK-1;Amendment 1C of the Land Register Act);Electronic land register.;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak.
Pages: 83 f.
ID: 8757699