magistrsko delo
Doživljanje in spoprijemanje s stresom je eden ključnih dejavnikov duševnega zdravja in učinkovitosti v zasebnem življenju in na delovnem mestu.
Vedno višja pričakovanja družbe, pojav gospodarske krize ter spremembe na družbeni in individualni ravni predstavljajo izziv tudi v pedagoškem delu strokovnih delavcev v vrtcih, ki so pogosto izpostavljeni stresu in stresorjem v večji meri, kot so jih sposobni obvladovati. Dlje časa trajajoči, ponavljajoči stres vodi v slabšanje zdravstvenega stanja posameznika in povečuje tveganje za nastanek številnih bolezni in motenj, kar lahko vodi v zmanjšanje delovne učinkovitosti in kvalitete življenja. V procesu pedagoškega dela, lahko neobvladovanje stresa povzroča tudi neustrezne in neuravnovešene odzive strokovnega delavca v ključnih situacijah. Navedeno onemogoča kakovostno delovanje strokovnega delavca v vzgojno-varstvenem procesu, kar lahko v skrajnih primerih pusti sled v psihosocialnem razvoju otroka, kakor duševnem zdravju strokovnega delavca.
Osrednji namen raziskovalnega dela je bil raziskati mnenje strokovnih delavcev vrtca o svojem duševnem zdravju, predvsem doživljanje stresa in vzroke za stres ter njegovo obvladovanje na delovnem mestu.
Na podlagi kvantitativne analize rezultatov ugotavljamo, da večina anketiranih strokovnih delavcev svoje zdravje ocenjuje kot dobro in ima dobro duševno zdravje. Razširjenost negativnega stresa na delovnem mestu se v primerjavi z rezultati raziskave 2008 ni bistveno povečala, se pa tudi zmanjšala ni. Podatek nakazuje, da bi bilo potrebno delati v smeri, da se stanje razširjenosti negativnega stresa zmanjša. Pod stresom in pritiskom zaradi obremenitev na delovnem mestu se počuti 78 % anketiranih strokovnih delavcev, zaradi slabih odnosov s sodelavci pa 38 %. Pogosto ali vsak dan se počuti pod stresom, napete ali pod velikim pritiskom 36 % anketiranih, 14,8 % je že na meji tveganega stresnega vedenja, saj občutke stresa obvladujejo s hudimi napori. Ugotavljamo, da povzročajo anketiranim strokovnim delavcem vrtca glede na pogostost in intenziteto doživljanja stresa največ negativnega stresa navedeni stresorji: pedagoško delo, ki vključuje ukvarjanje z nemirnimi in vedenjsko zahtevnejšimi otroki, spoprijemanje s starši, ki se prekomerno vmešavajo v strokovne zadeve, konflikti med sodelavci ter preveč otrok v skupini glede na prostor. Izpostavljena sta bila tudi stresorja nemoč pri vplivanju na odločitve vodstva ter konflikti s starši.
Namera po zapustitvi poklica se izraža v večji meri pri delavcih, ki ocenjujejo svoje delo kot zelo stresno. 23 % anketiranih strokovnih delavcev bi vzgojiteljsko kariero opustilo, v kolikor bi našli zaposlitev drugje.
Preverjanje povezanosti, odvisnosti in medsebojnega vpliva let v vzgoji iz izobraževanju ter ocene stresnosti poklica kaže, da delovna doba ne vpliva na oceno stresnosti poklica. Kar bi lahko pomenilo, da je doživljanje stresnosti poklica visoka oz. močna za vse strokovne delavce, ne glede na leta izkušenj v pedagoškem poklicu ter da na strokovne delavce vplivajo drugi dejavniki in ne toliko delovna doba.
Rezultati raziskave kažejo, da so programi za obvladovanje negativnega stresa med strokovnimi delavci vrtcev potrebni in zaželeni. Strokovni delavci bi se jih udeležili predvsem, če bi bili izvedeni v delovnem času npr. v času odmora.
strokovni delavci vrtca;izgorelost;strategije obvladovanja stresa;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2015 |
Typology: |
2.09 - Master's Thesis |
Organization: |
UL PEF - Faculty of Education |
Publisher: |
[H. Klobasa] |
UDC: |
373.2.011.3-051:159.944.4(043.2) |
Views: |
1168 |
Downloads: |
164 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Negative stress among pedagogical workers in preschool institutions |
Secondary abstract: |
Experiencing stress and coping with stress is one of the most essential factors of mental health and efficiency both in private lives and at work.
Higher and higher expectations of society, economic crisis, constant changes in social and individual sphere present a challenge also in the pedagogical work of professional workers in pre-school institutions. The pedagogical workers in pre-school institutions are often exposed to a much bigger stress than they are capable to cope with. Stress which goes on for a longer period of time or it repeats on and on can lead to bad mental state of an individual and it increases risks of different diseases and disorders which can also lead to a lesser efficiency at work and worse quality of life. Not being able to manage the stress in the process of the pedagogical work can lead to improper and imbalanced reactions of pedagogical workers in important situations. If the pedagogical worker is not able to manage the stress, his actions in the educational process are not as good as they should be and that can in some extreme examples have bad influence on the psychological development of a child and it is also bad for the mental health of the professional worker.
The main goal of the research was to scope the opinion of the pedagogical workers in pre-school institutions about their mental health with focus on stress– experiencing the stress, causes of stress and coping with stress at work.
We made a quantitative analyse of the results and we found out that most of the pedagogical workers engaged in the inquiry estimate both their health and their mental health as good. The negative stress at work has not increased comparing to the research we did in 2008, but it also has not reduced. We propose that some actions are taken in order to reduce the negative stress at work. 78 % of the pedagogical workers feel stress and pressure because of the charges at work. 38 % of the pedagogical workers are in stress because of the bad relationships among co-workers. 36 % of the pedagogical workers are in stress or under big pressure every day or often, 14,8 % of the workers are at the edge of stressful behaviour while they hardly manage to cope the stress. We found out that the most frequent and the most powerful stressors among the pedagogical workers engaged in the inquiry are: pedagogical work that includes work with restless and more demanding children; dealing with parents who exceedingly interfere in professional matters; conflicts among co-workers; too many children in groups (according to the space they have). Two more stressors were exposed: not being able to affect the management decisions and conflicts with parents.
An intention to leave the pedagogical work in pre-school institutions is expressed at the pedagogical workers that see their work as very stressful. 23 % of the pedagogical workers engaged in the inquiry would leave their pedagogical career if they found another employment.
We have checked the connection and mutual influence of the years of employment in pre-school institutions and the evaluation of stress at work. We found out that the years of employment do not have an influence on the evaluation of stress at work. We can say that experiencing stress at work is high or strong for all the professional workers regardless of the years the pedagogical workers spent in the pedagogical profession. There are other factors that influence the professional workers, not the years of employment.
The research results show that stress managing programs for the professional workers in pre-school institutions are necessary and needed. The professional workers would attend them, especially if they were performed during their work time (e.g. during their break). |
Secondary keywords: |
pre-school education;trainer;mental stress;predšolska vzgoja;vzgojitelj;duševni stres; |
File type: |
application/pdf |
Type (COBISS): |
Master's thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Predšolska vzgoja |
Pages: |
IX, 159 str. |
ID: |
8758309 |