doktorska disertacija
Florina Erbeli (Author), Karmen Pižorn (Mentor), Mojca Lipec-Stopar (Co-mentor)


Raziskovalci so razvili različne modele bralne zmožnosti v prvem, drugem in tujem jeziku, v slovenskem prostoru pa modela za bralno zmožnost v tujem jeziku še ni. Za ta namen raziskave je najbolj ustrezna komponentna analiza, s katero smo analizirali latentno strukturo bralne zmožnosti v angleškem jeziku, analizirali vplive faktorjev, identificiranih v latentni strukturi, na bralno razumevanje v angleščini, primerjali vplive faktorjev, identificiranih v latentni strukturi, na bralno razumevanje v angleščini med skupino uspešnih in šibkih bralcev ter na podlagi rezultatov pripravili model programa pomoči/model aktivnosti pri pouku angleškega jezika za šibke bralce, ki je usmerjen v odpravljanje težav šibkih bralcev na področju tistih komponent, kjer so razlike med uspešnimi in šibkimi bralci največje. Vzorec je zaobjemal 690 učencev, rojenih leta 1999, ki so v šolskem letu 2011/2012 obiskovali sedmi razred na eni izmed 22 osnovnih šol, ki so bile vključene v raziskavo. Izmed 690 učencev je bilo glede na rezultat na testu Test hitrega branja z razumevanjem izbranih 209 šibkih bralcev in 271 uspešnih bralcev. Ti so izpolnjevali teste in vprašalnik, ki so merili spremenljivke, ki tvorijo konstrukt bralne zmožnosti v angleškem jeziku. Rezultati eksplorativne faktorske analize so podali večfaktorski model s sledečimi faktorji: bralno razumevanje, dekodiranje, besedna tekočnost, slušno razumevanje in besedišče ter vidno zaznavanje. Z analizo modeliranja strukturnih enačb (SEM) smo analizirali neposredne vplive faktorjev dekodiranje, besedna tekočnost, slušno razumevanje in besedišče ter vidno zaznavanje na bralno razumevanje. Rezultati SEM so pokazali, da je imelo dekodiranje najmočnejši neposreden vpliv na bralno razumevanje. Posreden vpliv na bralno razumevanje sta imela še faktorja besedne tekočnosti in vidnega zaznavanja. Ta posreden vpliv je potekal preko faktorja dekodiranje. Faktor slušnega razumevanja in besedišča ni imel neposrednega pomembnega vpliva na bralno razumevanje, iz rezultatov drugih raziskav in izkušenj smo sklepali, da bo vpliv tega faktorja pridobil na moči in pomembnosti v višjih razredih šolanja. Nadalje smo primerjali moč vplivov faktorjev dekodiranje, besedna tekočnost, slušno razumevanje in besedišče ter vidno zaznavanje na bralno razumevanje med skupino uspešnih in šibkih bralcev. Rezultati so pokazali, da je dekodiranje močneje vplivalo na bralno razumevanje pri uspešnih kot pri šibkih bralcih. Glede na rezultate je bil oblikovan poskusen model pomoči oz. model aktivnosti pri branju v angleščini kot tujem jeziku za šibke bralce.


bralna zmožnost;uspešni bralci;šibki bralci;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [F. Erbeli]
UDC: 028:811.111:373.3(043.2)
COBISS: 10583369 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1299
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Latent structure of reading in english as a foreign language in skilled and less-skilled readers
Secondary abstract: Researchers have developed different models of reading competence in first, second and foreign language. However, thus far, no such model has been developed in Slovenia for English as a foreign language reading competence. The most useful approach to build the model is the component analysis. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the latent structure of reading competence in English as a foreign language. Further, the study investigated the effects of the identified factors in the latent structure on reading comprehension in English and the differences in these effects among skilled and less-skilled readers. Finally, the study sought to build a model of reading activities for less-skilled readers that can be implemented in the English as a foreign language instruction. Reading competence in English as a foreign language was examined in a group of 690 native Slovene seventh graders attending one of the 22 primary schools in the school year 2011/2012. According to the results on the Test of reading fluency and comprehension, 209 less-skilled and 271 skilled readers were chosen for the final analysis. They were measured on a series of tests and a questionnaire, covering different aspects of the reading competence in English as a foreign language. An exploratory factor analysis revealed a multifactorial model with the following factors: reading comprehension, decoding, verbal fluency, listening comprehension and vocabulary, visual perception. A series of structural equation modelling analyses was conducted to examine whether decoding, verbal fluency, listening comprehension and vocabulary, visual perception were directly related to reading comprehension. Results indicated that decoding was the most important and the strongest predictor of reading comprehension. Verbal fluency and visual perception had an indirect effect on reading comprehension through an intermediary factor, i.e. decoding. Listening comprehension and vocabulary was not directly related to reading comprehension. However, in line with previous research it is expected that this factor would gain its direct effect on reading comprehension at increasing grade levels. Further, we examined the magnitude of relationship between decoding, verbal fluency, listening comprehension and vocabulary, visual perception and reading comprehension among skilled and less-skilled readers. Results showed that decoding was more strongly related to reading comprehension for skilled than for less-skilled readers. According to the results we can build a model of reading activities for less-skilled readers that can be implemented in the English as a foreign language instruction.
Secondary keywords: English language;reading;reading difficulty;primary school;angleščina;branje;težave pri branju;osnovna šola;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Dissertation
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk
Pages: 235 str.
ID: 8758337