(magistrsko delo)
V magistrskem delu je opisano kaj je poškodba z ostrim predmetom oziroma incident in kakšni so postopki prijave le tega. Opredeljeni so najpogostejši vzroki, ki privedejo do poškodbe ter najbolj izpostavljene skupine zdravstvenih delavcev. Opisali smo možne načine zaščite pred poškodbami z ostrimi predmeti s pomočjo osebne varovalne opreme ter s pomočjo zdravstvene zaščite, ki zajema cepljenje.
V empiričnem delu smo predstavili rezultate vseh prijavljenih poškodb zdravstvenih delavcev zaposlenih v zdravstvenih ustanovah ali socialno varstvenih zavodih, ki so imeli med leti 2008-2012 poškodbo z ostrim predmetom v različnih regijah po Sloveniji. V raziskavi je bila zajeta 5201 poškodba. Ugotoviti smo želeli, kakšno je razmerje med splošno pojavnostjo poškodb v zdravstvu in poškodbami z ostrimi predmeti ter delež poškodovanih z ostrimi predmeti glede na povprečno starost, spol, način, čas in kraj poškodbe.
Rezultati so pokazali, da je do več kot polovice poškodb in sicer 3654 (70,3%) prišlo v zdravstvenih ustanovah, preostalih 1547 (29,7%) pa v ustanovah socialnega varstva z nastanitvijo. Med poškodovanimi je bil večji delež oseb ženskega spola in sicer kar 4088 (78,6%), kar nam pokaže, da so ženske veliko bolj izpostavljene.Med poškodovanimi z ostrimi predmeti je bilo največ oseb starih od 42 do 53 let. Povprečna starost poškodovanih je bila 40,9 let.
Rezultati so pokazali tudi, da je do največjega števila poškodb prišlo v času med 6. in 15. uro. Med 6. in 7. uro zjutraj je bilo prijavljenih 999 poškodb, ob 13. uri pa kar 458 poškodb.
Med poškodovanimi z ostrimi predmeti je bilo 494 oseb, kar predstavlja 9,5% vseh prijavljenih poškodb. Od teh je bilo največ poškodb 302 (61,2%) z ostrim materialnim povzročiteljem (nož, rezilo, itd.), sledi jim 107 (21,6%) poškodb s koničastim materialnim povzročiteljem in 85 (17,2%) poškodb z ostrim, koničastim, grobim materialnim povzročiteljem. Največji delež poškodb z ostrimi predmeti in sicer 99 (20,2%), je bil v Osrednjeslovenski regiji.
poškodbe;incident;ostri predmeti;zdravstvo;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2015 |
Typology: |
2.09 - Master's Thesis |
Organization: |
UM MF - Faculty of Medicine |
Publisher: |
[R. Kovačević] |
UDC: |
331.4:614.2(043.2) |
Views: |
2912 |
Downloads: |
559 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Secondary abstract: |
Dissertation describes what the injury with a sharp object or incident is and what the procedures for application thereof are. Defined are the most common causes which lead to injuries and the most vulnerable groups of health professionals. We describe possible ways of protection from injuries caused by sharp objects by using personal protective equipment and with the help of health protection, which covers the vaccination.
In the empirical part we present the results of all reported injuries of health workers employed in health or social care institutions, which had between 2008-2012 injuries with a sharp object in different regions of Slovenia. The study has covered 5201 damage. We wanted to determine what the relationship between the overall incidence of injuries in the health and injuries caused by sharp objects and share injured with sharp objects in terms of average age, gender, manner, time and place of injury.
The results showed that more than half of injuries, namely 3654 (70,3%) occurred in health facilities and the remaining 1547 (29,7%) in institutions of social protection with accommodation. Among the injured was a higher proportion of females through which 4088 (78,6%), which shows that women are much more vulnerable. Among the injured with sharp objects were most people aged 42 to 53 years. The average age of the injured was 40,9 years.
The results also showed that the highest number of injuries occurred in the period between the 6th and 15th hour. Between 6 and 7 am there were 999 injuries, at 13 pm 458 injuries.
Among the injured with sharp objects were 494 people which representing 9,5% of all reported injuries. Of these, 302 injuries (61,2%) were with a sharp material cause (knife, blade, etc.), followed by 107 (21,6%) of injuries with a sharp material cause and 85 (17,2%) injuries with sharp, pointed, rough material perpetrators. The largest proportion of injuries with sharp objects, namely 99 (20,2%) was in the Central region. |
Secondary keywords: |
injury;incident;sharp object;healthcare; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Master's thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede |
Pages: |
IV, 44 str. |
ID: |
8760914 |