diplomski projekt
Simon Padar (Author), Karin Širec (Mentor)


Podjetja se v želji po rasti dandanes poslužujejo mnogih različnih strategi. Za katero izmed strategij se podjetje odloči, je v veliki meri odvisno od dejavnosti podjetja, stanja trga in obstoječih sposobnosti ter znanj v podjetju samem. V diplomskem projektu smo tako obravnavali teoretična izhodišča rasti podjetij, kot tudi teoretična izhodišča določenih strategij rasti, izmed katerih smo se osredotočili predvsem na strategijo diverzificirane rasti. Diverzifikacija posla za podjetje predstavlja širitev svoje tržne ponudbe s storitvami ali proizvodi, ki niso nujno povezani z obstoječimi storitvami ali proizvodi podjetja. Pogosto se od obstoječih storitev ali proizvodov popolnoma razlikujejo. Opredelili smo različne oblike, kot tudi tveganja diverzifikacije, ter preučili razloge podjetij za diverzifikacijo posla. Med temi najpogosteje najdemo nasičenost trga osnovne dejavnosti podjetja, nezmožnost nadaljnje generične rasti, kot tudi dejstvo, da diverzifikacija posla načeloma omogoča višjo stopnjo rasti kot generična rast. Diverzifikacijo posla izvaja tudi podjetje Si.Mobil d.d.. V diplomskem delu smo natančneje preučili razvoj in pristop podjetja k izvajanju diverzifikacije posla, ter z analizo finančnih podatkov podjetja iz poslovanja ocenili uspešnost dosedanjega izvajanja strategije diverzificirane rasti.


rast podjetja;strategija;strateški management;diverzifikacija;uspešnost;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [S. Padar]
UDC: 005.412
COBISS: 12114972 Link will open in a new window
Views: 942
Downloads: 186
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Diversified growth in the case of Si.Mobil d.d.
Secondary abstract: Nowadays, firms may choose from a plethora of different strategies for growth. Which strategy they choose depends heavily on the state of the market, as well as the firm's area of expertise, existing know-how and experience. Throughout the paper, we study and evaluate the theoretical basis for firm growth, as well as the theoretical basis of certain growth strategies, main focus being diversification strategy. Business diversification means expanding the existing sales programs by adding new services or products, which aren't necessarily related to the firm's existing services or products. In fact, they are often completely different. We define different types of diversification, its risks, as well as different reasons as to why a firm might decide to diversify its business. Most often the reason is the inability for further generic growth. Diversification is used by many firms, including Si.Mobil d.d. In the paper, we analyze how and why Si.Mobil d.d. is carrying out diversification, as well as their current success in doing so by analyzing the firm's financial data.
Secondary keywords: growth strategies;diversification;firm growth;Si.Mobil d.d.;
Type (COBISS): Final seminar paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: III, 42 str.
ID: 8760967
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