delo diplomskega seminarja


Učinkovita in stabilna zdravstvena oskrba je za ljudi zelo pomembna, saj v primeru neučinkovitega delovanja bolnišnic nastajajo dolge čakalne dobe, kar pri bolnikih povzroča nezadovoljstvo. Za učinkovito delovanje bolnišnic pa je seveda potrebnih veliko virov financiranja, da je delo kakovostno opravljeno. Ravno financiranje pa je v današnjih časih ekonomske in gospodarske krize največji problem, saj denarja primanjkuje na vseh gospodarskih področjih – tudi v zdravstvu. Zato se bom v diplomski nalogi osredotočila na probleme, ki jih predstavlja vedno bolj okrnjen finančni proračun ter kakšen je negativen vpliv na poslovanje bolnišnic, ki ga je povzročilo sprejetje zakonov kot sta ZUJF in Kolektivna pogodba. Naredila bom tudi pregled modelov plačevanja, ki so se v našem zdravstvu zvrstili skozi zgodovino Slovenije. Glede na ugotovljene splošne podatke o bolnišnicah se bom še dodatno osredotočila kakšne so posledice varčevanja v Splošni bolnišnici X. To bom ugotovila s kazalniki uspešnosti poslovanja v času pred krizo in v času krize.


financiranje;viri financiranja;bolnišnice;zdravstveno zavarovanje;finančna kriza;gospodarske krize;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [L. Veršnik]
UDC: 658.14:614
COBISS: 12744476 Link will open in a new window
Views: 740
Downloads: 74
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Financial problems of hospitals in the time of financial and economic crisis - effects on businesses in X general hospital
Secondary abstract: Efficient and stable medical care is very important for the people, because in the case of inefficient hospital working, there are arising very long waiting periods. This situation make a lot of dissatisfaction to the patients. For efficient hospital working is very important, that there is sufficient sources of funding, so that the work is correctly done. But just the sources of funding are the biggest problem in the time of financial crisis, because there is a lack of money in all economic areas – also in the health care. So that in this diploma thesis I will be focusing on this problems, which were made by the lack of financing sources and what is the negative effect that was caused because of acceptance of the laws, like are so called »ZUJF« and »Kolektivna pogodba«. I will also make an examination of models of paying, which were active in our health care through the history of Slovenia. In reference to the general analysis datas of the hospitals, I will additionaly focus on the concequences of saving money in X general hospital. I will figure that out with indicators of businesses before crisis and in the crisis.
Secondary keywords: hospitals financing;helath insurance;hospital's business;balanced public finances;collective contract;models of paying;waiting periods;
Type (COBISS): Diploma project paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: III, 36 str.
ID: 8761009