diplomsko delo
Mojca Kolednik (Author), Duško Uršič (Mentor)


Poslovanje podjetja mora biti zaradi možnosti nastopa kriz, vedno vnaprej načrtovano. Samo v tem primeru se lahko poslovodstvo pravilno odzove na krize, ki nastopijo. Kot sem omenila že v diplomski nalogi, je pomembno, da ima krizni manager tehnična znanja, pravilen komunikacijski pristop in konceptualna znanja. Pomembno za uspešen izhod iz krize, je dobro sodelovanje med kriznim managerjem in ostalimi člani tima. V diplomskem delu sem najprej predstavila pomen krize, kako jo sploh lahko dojemamo, nato sem predstavil simptome, ki so najbolj značilni ob krizah, eno poglavje je posvečeno vrstam kriz, kjer je razvidno koliko različnih oblik kriz lahko doleti podjetje in posledično tudi managerje, ki morajo zagato pravilno razrešiti. Tretje poglavje je namenjeno vzrokom, ki zamajejo temelje normalnega poslovanja. Kot je razvidno imajo tukaj vsi avtorji isto opredelitev in sicer jih delijo na notranje in zunanje vzroke. Velikokrat podjetje samo, zaradi notranjih nesoglasij oziroma nepravilnosti pride do kriznih razmer. V naslednjih poglavjih pa so najprej predstavljeni vedenjski vzorci udeležencev, ki lahko posredno ali pa neposredno vplivajo na končni rezultat. Nato sem skušala z različnimi ukrepi prikazati možnosti za izhod iz krize. Nazadnje sem pa obravnavala krizni management, njegove lastnosti oziroma, kdo je lahko dober vodja, kako je potrebno organizirati krizni tim in kdaj se odločiti za zunanje strokovnjake. Če bi povzela misel dr. Kovača bi lahko rekla, da podjetniki niso samo žrtve krize, ampak prvi, ki v krizi zaznajo svojo priložnost za oblikovanje novih podjetniških kreacij in novega razvojnega cikla. (Podjetnik, 2008). Se pravi, da preživijo samo dobri in močni.


management;krize;krizni management;rešitve;poslovanje podjetja;zaposleni;vedenje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Trnovska vas
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [M. Kolednik]
UDC: 005.334
COBISS: 9979676 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2475
Downloads: 366
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Crisis management in business operation
Secondary abstract: A company business must always be pre-planned because of the potential onset of a crisis. Only in such case, the management can accordingly respond to the crises that arise. As I mentioned in the diploma work, it is important for a crisis manager to have technical skills, a proper communication approach and conceptual knowledge. Important for a successful overcoming of the crisis is a good cooperation between the crisis manager and other members of the team. In my diploma work, I first of all presented the importance of the crisis, how we perceive it, then I presented the symptoms that are most significant in crises. One chapter deals with the types of crises, where it can be seen, how many different types of crises a company can encounter and consequently also the company managers, who must resolve the situation. The third chapter is devoted to the causes, which shake the foundations of a normal business operation. As can be seen, all authors share the same definition and divide the causes into internal and external. In companies internal disagreements or irregularities often lead to a crisis situation. In the following chapters, first behavioural patterns of participants are presented, which may indirectly or directly affect the final result. Then I tried to demonstrate with various measures the possibilities of how to overcome the crisis. Finally, I discussed the crisis management, its characteristics or who can be a good leader, how it is required to organize a crisis team and when to decide to consult external experts. To summarize with the words of dr. Kovač, I could say that entrepreneurs are not only victims of a crisis, but are the first that in a crisis detect their opportunity to form new business creations and a new development cycle. (Podjetnik, 2008). Which means that only the good and strong survive.
Secondary keywords: crisis;types of crises;crisis management;crisis team;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 37 str.
Keywords (UDC): science and knowledge;organization;computer science;information;documentation;librarianship;institutions;publications;znanost in znanje;organizacije;informacije;dokumentacija;bibliotekarstvo;institucije;publikacije;prolegomena;fundamentals of knowledge and culture;propaedeutics;prolegomena;splošne osnove znanosti in kulture;management;menedžment;management activities;menedžerske dejavnosti;management conditions;factors;pogoji menedžmenta;dejavniki;
ID: 8761630