diplomsko delo
Aleš Furlanič (Author), Bruno Završnik (Mentor)


Diplomsko delo obravnava problematiko trženja gradbenih storitev s predpostavko, da ni samo najnižja cena ključni oziroma odločilni element uspeha pri pridobivanju poslov. S pomočjo raziskave in analize o ključnih elemenith trženja gradbenih storitev je mogoče sklepati, da so mehke spremenljivke tržnega spleta pomembne za kupca pri sprejemanju odločitev. Poudariti je potrebno, da bo uspelo le tisto podjetje, ki je konkurenčno s ceno, kakovostjo in ugodnimi dobavnimi roki ter seveda diferencira svoje storitve. Da bi lahko podjetje doseglo in uresničilo želene cilje je potrebno snovati strategijo trženja temelječo na analizi zunanjega in notranjega okolja podjetja. Prilagoditev tržnim zakonitostim se izraža z delom enote trženja, katera mora biti zelo hitra, usklajena in učinkovita če želi uspeh. Čedalje bolj je potrebno intenzivno in tesno sodelovanje z investitorjem, tako da lahko podjetje svetuje in izvede storitev po meri kupca. Zavedati se moramo, da si kupec želi in pričakuje kovostno, zanesljivo in cenovno sprejemljivo gradbeno storitev. Če povzamemo analizo literature in izide raziskovanja je za gradbena podjetja pri trženju svojih storitev pomembno, da se osredotoča na cenovno politiko ob zagotavljanju visoke kakovosti in izvedbo storitev v najkrajšem možnem času ter da gradi prepoznavnost podjetja in njegovo ime na podlagi zadovoljstva investitorjev, priporočil in referenc.


gradbeništvo;storitve;trženje;marketinški splet;kakovost;cene;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Koper
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [A. Furlanič]
UDC: 339.138:69
COBISS: 10348828 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2644
Downloads: 289
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂproblems of marketing of construction services
Secondary abstract: My diploma thesis deals with the issue the problem of marketing of construction services and the assumption that the crucial element of success in obtaining business is not only the lowest price. Through the research and analysis I do on key element of marketing a construction services may be inferred that the soft key of marketing mix variables for customer decision making. Meanwhile it is necessary for company to make competitive price policy, quality and delivery in times and also must differentiate their services. If company wish to achieve the desired goals it must create a marketing strategy based on the analysis of external and internal environment of the company. Market forces adjustment reflects in the work of marketing team, which must be very rapid, coordinated and effective if it like to succeed. This require more closely working and intesivly cooperation with investors so that company can advise and implement customized customer service. Be aware that the customer wants and expects quality, reliable and affordable construction services. If we summarized the analisis of the literature and resarch results we can conclude that for the marketing of construciotn companies is crucial to be based on price policy, quality and intime delivery and also focus on goodwill, company profile and reputation.
Secondary keywords: construction;service;marketing;marketing services;marketing mix;quality;price;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 40 str., 28 str. pril.
Keywords (UDC): social sciences;družbene vede;economics;economic science;ekonomija;ekonomske vede;trade;commerce;international economic relations;world economy;trgovina;tržišče;marketing;general questions of trade and commerce;market;splošna vprašanja o trgovanju in trgovini;applied sciences;medicine;technology;uporabne znanosti;medicina;tehnika;building (construction) trade;building materials;building practice and procedure;gradbeništvo;gradbeni materiali;gradbene obrti in dela;
ID: 8761695
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