diplomsko delo
Tamara Hren (Author), Olga Denac (Mentor)


Glasba je v času otroštva zelo pomembna. Z glasbo lahko otroku vnesemo v življenje radost in veselje, s pesmijo ga sproščamo, čustveno plemenitimo in bogatimo, mu razvijamo glasbene zmožnosti in vplivamo na razvoj otrokovih dispozicij za glasbo. Otrokov posluh se lahko razvija in če bo otrok veliko pel, bo pel vedno bolje, vedno bolje. Ob veselju in radosti, ki jo pesem in glasba nudita otroku, pri otroku lahko vzgajamo tudi občutek pripadnosti. Pesem otroke združuje, otroci se pri petju v skupini dobro počutijo. Glasba ob igri je zelo velik pomembna za otroka. Glasba v tem obdobju naj bo preprosta (otroške, ljudske pesmi), iz okolja, narave in stvari, ki so otrokom blizu. V tem obdobju otrok glasbo posluša, se igra glasbene igre, igra na improvizirane instrumente in poje. Diplomsko delo z naslovom Vodenje otroškega pevskega zbora v vrtcu obravnava pomen glasbe in zborovskega petja na otrokov razvoj, vlogo, pomen vodenja otroškega pevskega zbora, pevsko tehnične vaje in glasbeno-didaktične igre, ki so primerne za vodenje otroškega pevskega zbora v vrtcu.


pevski zbori;otroški;zborovsko petje;didaktične igre;glasbene sposobnosti;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [T. Hren]
UDC: 78(043.2)
COBISS: 19280904 Link will open in a new window
Views: 5133
Downloads: 983
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Music is very important in childhood. Music can bring joy and happiness into a child's life. By singing, we relax children, enrich them emotionally, develop their musical abilities and, last but not least, influence their dispositions for music. A child is able to develop his or her ability to carry a tune and, by singing, a child will sing better and more clearly each time. In addition to joy and happiness that a child experiences through singing and music, we can also bring up a sense of belonging in a child. Singing unites children and they feel well when singing in a group. Music introduced through games can be of major significance for a child. In this period, music should be simple (children's songs, folk songs) and should be taken from the environment, nature and things that are close to children. In this period, a child listens to music, plays musical games and improvised instruments and sings. The diploma work entitled "Conducting a children's choir in kindergarten" deals with the importance of music and choral singing for a child's development, the role and importance of conducting a children's choir and vocal technical exercises as well as musical didactic games that are suitable for conducting a children's choir in kindergarten.
Secondary keywords: children’s choir;pre-school child;vocal technical exercises;choral singing;conductor;musical didactic games;musical abilities.;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za predšolsko vzgojo
Pages: 52 f.
Keywords (UDC): the arts;recreation;entertainment;sport;umetnost;razvedrilo;zabava;šport;music;glasba;
ID: 8762145
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