delo diplomskega projekta
Ana Timošek (Author), Tjaša Štrukelj (Mentor)


Delo diplomskega projekta se nanaša na analizo etike v računovodskem oddelku srednje velikega podjetja. Poudarek je na etiki, poslovni funkciji računovodstvo in podjetju Gorenje Orodjarna, d.o.o., katerega oddelek financ in računovodstva smo analizirali. Teoretični del diplomskega projekta smo začeli s preučevanjem etike in etike podjetja, kamor smo vključili vse njune pomembne dejavnike. Nadaljevali smo s poslovno funkcijo računovodstvo, kjer je bila najpomembnejša predstavitev dveh kodeksov etike, ki se v računovodstvu uporabljata. Praktični del diplomskega projekta temelji na analizi etike v oddelku financ in računovodstva srednje velikega podjetja Gorenje Orodjarna, d.o.o. S predstavitvijo podjetja smo prikazali vse pomembne lastnosti podjetja, s poudarkom na oddelku financ in računovodstva, kjer smo analizirali predvsem organizacijo, delo in uporabljene računovodske funkcije. Zadnji, najpomembnejši del diplomskega projekta so ugotovitve o etiki v oddelku financ in računovodstva srednje velikega podjetja Gorenje Orodjarna, d.o.o., in priporočila za prakso. Glavni vir informacij o etiki v oddelku financ in računovodstva je bil intervju z vodjo oddelka. Ugotovili smo, da ima Skupina Gorenje oblikovan Kodeks ravnanja z vsemi potrebnimi načeli, ki omogočajo etično ravnanje. Vse ugotovitve so bile pozitivne, zato lahko podjetje Gorenje Orodjarna, d.o.o., zagotovo štejemo med podjetja, ki imajo dobre etične navade in so lahko za zgled drugim.


etika;podjetje;kultura;kultura podjetja;poslovna etika;management;poslovna morala;računovodstvo;etični kodeks;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [A. Timošek]
UDC: 005.13:174
COBISS: 12105244 Link will open in a new window
Views: 869
Downloads: 142
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Ethics analysis in the accounting department of a medium sized company
Secondary abstract: The graduation project refers to the analysis of ethics in the accounting department of a medium sized company. We emphasize ethics, business function of accounting and company Gorenje Orodjarna, Ltd., and their department of finance and accounting which we analyzed. We started the theoretical part of the graduation project with research of ethics and business ethics, which included all of their important factors. We continued with the business function of accounting, where presentation of two codes of ethics, which are used in the accounting, was the most important. The practical part of the graduation project is based on the analysis of ethics in the department of finance and accounting of a medium sized company Gorenje Orodjarna, Ltd. With the presentation of the company we introduced all of the important company properties, with emphasis on the department of finance and accounting, where we particularly analyzed the organization, work and accounting functions. The last and the most important part of the graduation project are the conclusions about ethics in the department of finance and accounting of a medium sized company Gorenje Orodjarna, Ltd., and recommendations on practical work. The largest source of information about ethics in the department of finance and accounting was the interview with the head of the department. We noted that the Gorenje Group has developed a code of conduct with all the necessary principles that enable ethical conduct. All of our conclusions were positive, so we can certainly regard the company Gorenje Orodjarna, Ltd., as a company that has good ethical habits and can be a good example to others.
Secondary keywords: ethics;accounting;department of finance and accounting;code of ethics;
Type (COBISS): Final seminar paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: II, 36 str., 4 str. pril.
ID: 8762236
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