diplomsko delo
Mateja Kastelec (Author), Tjaša Štrukelj (Mentor)


Gospodarska moč mora podjetjem predstavljati temeljni cilj, ki ga lahko dosežejo s planiranjem razvoja podjetja. Planiranje razvoja je za podjetja ciljno usmerjen proces, ki mora podjetje voditi k večji uspešnosti in blagostanju vseh njegovih udeležencev. V diplomskem delu smo proučevali podjetje HTM d. o. o. in planirali njegov razvoj na ravni politike podjetja in strateškega managementa. Na podlagi analize podjetja in okolja smo planirali razvojno politiko podjetja s proučevanjem vrednot udeležencev podjetja, njegovih prednosti in slabosti ter analiziranih iz okolja izhajajočih priložnosti in nevarnosti. Zapisali smo vizijo kot izhodišče politike podjetja, poslanstvo, smotre in temeljne cilje ter oblikovali vodila o poslanstvu in smotrih podjetja HTM d. o. o., ki so izrazna oblika politike podjetja. Nadaljevali smo s planiranjem razvoja na ravni strateškega managementa, zato smo proučili programsko-tržna področja podjetja, za njih iskali strateške možnosti razvoja podjetja, opredelili strategije in potrebne razvojne strukture ter svoje delo zaključili s programom razvoja podjetja HTM d. o. o. S to raziskavo ter predlaganimi razvojnimi alternativami želimo prispevati k nadaljnjemu razvoju podjetja HTM d. o. o.


razvoj podjetja;politika podjetja;strateški management;strategija;struktura;planiranje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [M. Kastelec]
UDC: 005.511
COBISS: 12087580 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1211
Downloads: 180
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Planning the development of the enterprise HTM, Ltd.
Secondary abstract: Economic power has to present a basic goal to companies, which can be achieved by planning of the company’s development. Planning of the development is a target process for companies, which has to lead to higher successfulness and well-being of its participants. We have been researching the company HTM, Ltd., and plan its development at the company's policy level and the strategic management. Based on the company's and environment's analysis, we have planned its developmental policy with researching of the participants from the company values, its advantages or weaknesses and analysed its (based on the environment) opportunities and threats. We have also written the vision as the company policies' bases about the mission and purposes of the company HTM, Ltd., which are the expressive forms of the company's policy. We have continued with planning the development at the level of the strategic management, therefore, we have studied programme and market areas of the company. We have been searching for the strategic possibilities of the company's development, we have defined strategies and the needed developmental structures and we have completed with the programme of the company HTM, Ltd. With the research, we would like to contribute to further development of the company HTM, Ltd. with the research and studying and the suggested developmental alternatives.
Secondary keywords: development of a company;policy of the company;values;advantages and weaknesses;opportunities and threats;structures;strategies;strategic management.;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: III, 60 str.
ID: 8762473