magistrsko delo
Seta Šalamun (Author), Peter Umek (Mentor)


Veliko raziskovalcev meni, da lahko individualne razlike v osebnostnih lastnostih igrajo pomembno vlogo pri razlagi tveganja za nastanek patološkega hazardiranja. Osebnostne lastnosti nam lahko pojasnijo, zakaj določeni ljudje sploh začnejo z igranjem iger na srečo in zakaj se takšno vedenje pri njih ohranja. Osrednji cilj pričujoče študije je bil pri posameznikih, ki igrajo igre na srečo, raziskati vlogo osebnostnih lastnosti in preveriti, katere izmed dimenzij osebnosti se s problematičnim igranjem iger na srečo najbolj povezujejo. Dodatno smo želeli preveriti tudi, ali med posamezniki, ki igrajo igre na srečo, obstajajo določene razlike glede na spol, starost in pogostost igranja. Končni vzorec je zajemal 195 naključno izbranih udeležencev (104 moški, 95 žensk), starih od 17 do 69 let. V raziskavi smo uporabili Triažni vprašalnik za ugotavljanje patološkega hazardiranja (SOGS) in Vprašalnik petih velikih faktorjev (BFI). Rezultati so pokazali, da med osebnostnimi lastnostmi in igranjem iger na srečo obstaja statistično pomembna povezava. Z možnim patološkim hazardiranjem se povezujejo tri izmed petih dimenzij osebnosti, in sicer visok nevroticizem ter nizka odprtost in vestnost. Moški so imeli v primerjavi z ženskami več težav, povezanih z igranjem iger na srečo. Podatki so pokazali, da imajo posamezniki, ki pogosteje igrajo igre na srečo, več težav, kot tisti, ki jih igrajo redkeje ali jih sploh ne igrajo. Ugotovili smo, da rezultata, doseženega na vprašalniku SOGS, statistično pomembno ne napovedujejo vse dimenzije osebnosti in spol, temveč le dimenzija nevroticizem in spol. Rezultati raziskave nedvomno kažejo na pomembnost raziskovanja osebnostnih lastnosti kot enega izmed dejavnikov tveganja za nastanek patološkega hazardiranja.


igre na srečo;patološko hazardiranje;dejavniki tveganja;osebnostne lastnosti;petfaktorski model osebnosti;magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [S. Šalamun]
UDC: 159.923.3:794.9(043.2)
COBISS: 21560840 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1713
Downloads: 158
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂlink between individual personality traits and gambling
Secondary abstract: A lot of researchers believe that individual differences in personality characteristics play an important role in interpreting the risk of pathological gambling. Personality traits could explain why certain people even start playing games of chance and why such behaviour preserves with them. The central objective of this study was to explore the role of personality traits in individuals who play games of chance and to check, which dimensions of the personality are linking the most with the problem of gambling. In addition, we also wanted to check among individuals who play games of chance, if there are certain differences according to gender, age and the frequency of gambling. The final sample included 195 randomly selected participants (104 men, 95 women) aged from 17 to 69 years. In the survey, we used The South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS) and The Big Five Inventory (BFI). The results showed that between personality characteristics and playing games of chance, there is a statistically significant relationship. With a possible pathological gambling link three of the five dimensions of personality, namely a high neuroticism, low openness and conscientiousness. Men compared to women, had more problems associated with gambling. The data showed that individuals who frequently play games of chance, have more problems than those who play them less frequently or not at all. We found that the results on the SOGS do not predict statistically significant all the dimensions of personality and gender, but only the neuroticism and gender dimension. Results of the survey clearly show the importance of exploration of the personality traits, as one of the risk factors for the emergence of pathological gambling.
Secondary keywords: gambling;pathological gambling;risk factors;personality traits;five factor model of personality;master theses;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za psihologijo
Pages: III, 70 f.
ID: 8773163