diplomsko delo
Dejan Rumež (Author), Franc Janžekovič (Mentor), Tina Klenovšek (Co-mentor), Boris Kryštufek (Co-mentor)


V diplomski nalogi smo analizirali morfometrično variabilnost spodnje čeljustnice bandikot rodov Nesokia in Bandicota. V analizo smo vključili 98 spodnjih čeljustnic petih različnih vrst živali, in sicer iz rodu Nesokia (Nesokia bunnii, Nesokia indica) in iz rodu Bandicota (Bandicota savilei, Bandicota indica, Bandicota bengalensis). Analizo smo izvedli s pomočjo metod geometrijske morfometrije, določili smo 16 oslonilnih točk ter izvedli ločeno analizo velikosti in oblike mandibul. Spolni dimorfizem v velikosti ni izražen (t test ni signifikanten p>0,05), prav tako spolni dimorfizem ni izražen v obliki (F test ni signifikanten p>0,05). Razlikovanje v velikosti med vrstami smo preverjali z F testom, ki izkazuje visoko signifikantnost F4, 93 = 237,29 p<0,0001. S posteriornim testiranjem smo preverili razlike med posameznimi pari bandikot in ugotovili, da se v velikosti ne razlikujeta para: Bandicota indica in Nesokia bunni ter para Bandicota savilei in Nesokia indica. Vrsti Bandicota indica in Nesokia bunnii sta večji od ostalih treh vrst, najmanjša pa je vrsta Bandicota bengalensis. Razlike v obliki med petimi vrstami bandikot smo preverjali z multivariatnim F testom, odvisne spremenljivke je bilo prvih 10 glavnih komponent, neodvisne spremnljivke pa je bilo pet vrst rodov Nesokia in Bandicota. Vrednost F testa je bila visoko signifikantna. Zaradi velikih odstopanj v številu živali iz posamezne vrste smo v nadaljevanju razlike preverili še s Permutacijskim testom. Pri posteriorni primerjavi so vsi pari izkazovali signifikantne razlike. Pri projekciji osebkov na prvi dve glavni komponenti vidimo dva dobro diferencirana para vrst, med katerimi se oblika morfometričnega prostora v celoti prekrivata, prvi par tvorita vrsti Bandicota indica in Bandicota savilei, drugi par pa vrsti Nesokia indica in Bandicota bengalensis, medtem ko vrsta Nesokia bunnii zaseda vmesni položaj, žal pa zaradi majhnega vzorca, samo treh živali njen položaj ni dokončen. Razlikovanje med petimi vrstami bandikot smo preverjali z diskriminantno analizo, ki išče maksimalne razlike med v naprej definiranimi skupinami. V našem primeru so to bile posamezne vrste % neodvisne spremenljivke, Prokrustove koordinate pa odvisne spremenljivke o oblikovni značilnosti mandibul. Projekcija osebkov na prvi dve diskriminantni funkciji izkazuje da sta rodova Nesokia in Bandicota razmejena vzdolž druge diskriminantne funkcije, druga diskriminantna funkcija pa prav tako deloma razdeli med vrstama Bandicota savilei in Bandicota indica.


diplomska dela;spodnja čeljustnica;Nesokia;Bandicota;geometrijska morfometrija;oslonilna točka;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FNM - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Publisher: [D. Rumež]
UDC: 599.323.45(043.2)
COBISS: 21501448 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1566
Downloads: 178
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Morfometric variability of the mandible genus Nesokia and Bandicota
Secondary abstract: In the thesis we analyzed the morphometric variability of the mandible of Nesokia and Bandicota genera. The analysis comprised of 98 mandible samples from five different species of animals from genus Nesokia ((Nesokia bunnii, Nesokia indica) and Bandicota (Bandicota savilei, Bandicota indica, Bandicota bengalensis). We performed the analysis using the geometric morphometrics. We determined 16 reference points and performed a separated analysis for the size and shape of the mandibles. Sexual dimorphism is not expressed in size (t test showed no significance p>0.05) nor shape (F test showed no significance p>0.05). We compared the centroid size between species with the F test which showed high significance F4, 93 = 237.29 p<0.0001. The posterior testing was used to check for differences between individual species of Bandicota and the results showed that there is no difference in size between the pairs Bandicota indica and Nesokia bunni, and Bandicota savilei and Nesokia indica. Bandicota indica and Nesokia bunni are larger than other three species while Bandicota bengalensis is the smallest. Size differences between different Bandicota species were tested with multivariate F test. Dependent variable was the first ten main components and the independent variable was five species of Nesokia and Bandicota genera. The value of F test was highly significant. Because of big deviation in the abundance of animals of each species I tested the differences further with the permutation test. In posterior comparison all pairs showed significant differences. In the projection of specimens in the first two main components we see two pairs of well- differentiated species, among which are a form of morphometric space fully overlap the first pair: Bandicota indica and Bandicota savilei second pair: Nesokia indica and Bandicota bengalensis, while type Nesokia Bunniie occupies an intermediate position, but unfortunately due to the small sample, only three animals its position is not exhaustive. The distinction between five types of bandikot we checked with discriminant analysis, looking for the maximum difference between a pre - defined groups. In our case, these were individual species - independent variables Prokrustove coordinates while the dependent variable on the design features of the mandible. Projection specimens to the first two discriminant function shows that the gender Nesokia and Bandicota demarcated along the second discriminant function, other discriminant function, it also partly distributed among the rows of Bandicota savilei and Bandicota indica.
Secondary keywords: theses;mandible;Nesokia;Bandicota;geometric morphometrics;landmark;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za naravoslovje in matematiko, Oddelek za biologijo
Pages: XII, 48 f.
ID: 8773436