magistrsko delo
Anja Nerat (Author), Simona Šarotar Žižek (Mentor)


Nekdaj so vladale na svetu epidemije, danes temu ni več tako. V sodobni družbi so najbolj pogoste kronične in poklicne bolezni, ki se pojavljajo na delovnih mestih zaradi premajhnega zavzemanja za zdravje zaposlenih. Sodobna bolezen je tudi stres, ki je v obravnavanem podjetju v veliki meri prisoten. Podjetja so sicer že začela reševati ta problem, vendar so razmere še vedno slabe. V ta namen smo preučili podjetje, ki je lahko drugim za vzgled, saj skrbi za varnost in zdravje zaposlenih, ima narejeno oceno tveganja in ukrepe za posamezna delovna mesta ter izvaja program promocije. Varnost in zdravje pri delu sta določena z Zakonom o varnosti in zdravju pri delu (ZVZD-1), ki določa pravice in dolžnosti delodajalca o varnem in zdravem delu zaposlenih. Za podjetje je pomembno, da zakon upošteva, zraven tega pa so v zakonu opredeljene dolžnosti in obveznosti delodajalca in zaposlenega. Podjetja z zakonom spodbujajo tudi k uvajanju programa promocije in k prizadevanju za izboljšanje pogojev zaposlenih. S preučevanjem podjetja smo prikazali poglobljen vpogled v varnost in zdravje pri delu in prenašanje znanja na zaposlene. Z direktorjem podjetja smo izvedli intervju, s pomočjo katerega smo dobili realno sliko delovanja podjetja in osebni pogled na zdravje in varnost pri delu. Opravljanje varnosti pri delu se v večini podjetij zahteva tudi v primeru študentskega oziroma dijaškega dela, zelo malo pa se delodajalci posvečajo spodbujanju zdravega življenjskega sloga, kot je način prehranjevanja in redna telesna aktivnost ter premalo uveljavljajo ergonomske pripomočke, ki bi zaposlenim izboljšali delovne pogoje. Prav tako pa je vedno bolj prisoten stres, ki vpliva na produktivnost zaposlenih in lahko povzroča različne odvisnosti. Čeprav je stres v večini primerov negativen, pa lahko ima zdrav stres na zaposlenega pozitivne učinke, ki vplivajo na njegovo storilnost in velikokrat pripomore k inovativnim idejam. V obravnavanem podjetju se pojavljajo pomanjkljivosti. Morali bi še dodelati program promocije, dodati ukrepe za obvladovanje stresa in uvesti več ergonomskih ukrepov, a vendar upoštevajo vsa zakonska določila in obveznosti.


zdravje;stres;varnost pri delu;dejavniki tveganja;ergonomija;delovno okolje;pravna ureditev;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [A. Nerat]
UDC: 331.4
COBISS: 12108828 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1514
Downloads: 222
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Safety and health at work in the company Diplomat d.o.o.
Secondary abstract: Long time ago the world ruled epidemic, today this is no longer the case. In modern society the most common are chronic and occupational diseases that occur in workplaces due to lack of commitment to employee health. Modern disease is stress, which is largely absent in the present enterprise. Companies have already started to deal with this problem, but the situation is still bad. To this end, we examined the company which can be an example to others because they are responsible for the safety and health of employees they have done a risk assessment and measures for individual jobs and implement a program of promotion. Safety and Health at Work was established by the Act on occupational safety and health (OSH-1), which sets out the rights and duties of the employer for a safe and healthy workplace. For the company, it is important that the law takes into account, beside this there are by law defined duties and obligations of both employer and employee. The law encourages businesses to the implementation of the program of promotion and strain to improve conditions for employees. By studying the companies we presented an in-depth insight into the health and safety at work and the transfer of knowledge to employees. We also conducted an interview with the directors of the company, through which we get a real picture of the enterprise and personal view of health and safety at work. In most businesses require Provision of safety at work also in the case of the student work, but very few employers are devoted to the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, such as diet and regular physical activity and exercise and care too little about ergonomic tools that improve working conditions. Increasingly present is also the stress that affects employee productivity and can cause a variety of addictions. Although stress is in most cases negative, but healthy stress can have positive effects on the employee's, affecting its productivity and often contributes to innovative ideas. The company suffers from shortcomings and should in further refine program of promotion, to add measures to cope with stress and to introduce more ergonomic measures, but still comply with all legal requirements and obligations.
Secondary keywords: Health and safety at work;stress;ergonomics;health promotion;psycho-social risk factors.;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 65 str., 9 str. pril.
ID: 8773455