magistrsko delo
Katja Posnic (Author), Katja Košir (Mentor)


Medvrstniško nasilje predstavlja pereč problem, saj ustvarja okolje strahu, ki negativno vpliva na fizično in duševno stanje učencev. Osnovni namen naše raziskave je osvetliti problematiko medvrstniškega nasilja v šolah. Ker so učitelji odgovorni za ustvarjanje okolja miru in medsebojnega spoštovanja ter imajo pomembno vlogo pri preprečevanju medvrstniškega nasilja, želimo preučiti njihovo zaznavanje in razumevanje medvrstniškega nasilja, udeležbo v programih preprečevanja in spoprijemanja z medvrstniškim nasiljem ter verjetnost njihovega posredovanja v tovrstnih situacijah. Da pa bi problematiko razumeli celostno, smo vključili tudi percepcijo učencev. Udeleženci so reševali vprašalnik Lestvice medvrstniškega nasilja v šoli in Vprašalnik medvrstniškega nasilja, ki sta bila za potrebe naše naloge prirejena. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 484 udeležencev, od tega 88 učiteljev in 396 učencev. Rezultati kažejo, da tako učitelji kot učenci najpogosteje zaznavajo verbalno nasilje, manj pogosto pa opažajo odnosno in fizično nasilje. Učenci v primerjavi z učitelji zaznavajo več nasilja. Tako učenci kot učitelji zaznavajo fizično in verbalno nasilje resneje v primerjavi z odnosnim nasiljem. Do žrtev obeh vrst nasilja so učitelji tudi bolj empatični in tako v situacijah fizičnega in verbalnega nasilja tudi bolj pripravljeni posredovati. Prihaja do razlik med mnenji učiteljev in učencev glede verjetnosti posredovanja učiteljev v situacijah medvrstniškega nasilja; učitelji v primerjavi z učenci v večji meri menijo, da posredujejo v primerih medvrstniškega nasilja. Med učitelji, ki so v programih preprečevanja in spoprijemanja z medvrstniškim nasiljem sodelovali, in tistimi, ki tovrstnih izobraževanj niso bili deležni, ne prihaja do statistično pomembnih razlik v verjetnosti posredovanja.


medvrstniško nasilje;pogostost;resnost;empatija;posredovanje;učitelji;učenci;magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [K. Posnic]
UDC: 37.015.3:364.632(043.2)
COBISS: 21646856 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2724
Downloads: 506
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Bullying in the primary school: the perspectives of teachers and pupils
Secondary abstract: Bullying is a serious problem, since it creates an environment of fear and thus negatively affects the physical and mental health of the students. The principal purpose of our research is to shed light on the issue of bullying in schools. Since the teachers are responsible for the construction of an environment of peace and mutual respect and have an important role in the prevention of bullying, we want to study their understanding and detection of bullying, their participation in bullying prevention and coping programs as well as their intervention in such cases. To better understand the issue fully, we have also included the perception of their students. The participants answered the School Bullying Scales Questionnaire as well as the Modified Bullying Attitude Questionnaire, which have been modified for the purpose of our study. 484 people participated in this study, consisting of 88 teachers and 396 students. Results show that students as well as teachers most often witness verbal violence while other forms, such as physical and relational violence, are witnessed less. Students detect more violence than teachers do. Teachers as well as students detect physical and verbal bullying as more serious than relational bullying. They are also more emphatic to the victims of those two forms of bullying and are thus more ready to intervene. There is a difference of opinion between the students and teachers about whether the teachers intervene during bullying; teachers believe they intervene much more during bullying incidents than the students do. Amongst the teachers that attend or have attended prevention and dealing with bullying programs and the teachers that have not attended such programs, there are no statistically important differences in the probability of their intervention during an incident of bullying.
Secondary keywords: bullying;frequency;seriousness;empathy;intervention;teachers;students;master theses;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za psihologijo
Pages: IV, 73 f.
ID: 8776717