magistrsko delo
Tamara Verbošt (Author), Jernej Belak (Mentor), Iztok Kolar (Co-mentor)


Osnovni namen magistrske naloge je bil prikazati planiranje razvoja podjetja SGP Pomgrad d.d.. Najprej smo predstavili rast, razvoj in uspešnost podjetja na splošno, značilnosti dinamičnega podjetja, planiranje razvoja na ravni politike podjetja, planiranje razvoja na ravni strateškega managementa, nato pa smo vsa teoretična izhodišča prikazali v empiričnem delu magistrske naloge na resničnem podjetju, ki obstaja. Podjetja danes delujejo in se razvijajo v kompleksnem in hitro spreminjajočem se globalnem okolju, zato je ključnega pomena, da podjetja spremljajo (med)narodne razvojne trende (Wheelen in Hunger 2010; v Duh 2011, str. 21). V okolju narašča zahtevnost in kompleksnost obvladovanja celotnega delovanja podjetja, zato, ker se razvojne možnosti in pogoji na posameznih področjih delovanja podjetja v okolju lahko močno razlikujejo (Duh 2011, str. 21). Največjo pozornost smo v magistrski nalogi posvetili razvojni proučitvi podjetja, kjer smo predstavili temeljne podatke o podjetju (nastanek podjetja, opis ključnih sprememb v rasti in razvoju podjetja in kakšno je podjetje danes). Opredelili smo razvojno vizijo, politiko in strategije, proučili strukturno analizo podjetja z vidika dejavnostnih področjih in upravljalno vodstvenih funkcij ter naredili analizo temeljnih vrednot udeležencev podjetja. Sintezo raziskovalnih spoznanj o proučevanem podjetju, s predlogom ukrepov za vzpostavitev in ohranitev optimalne razvojne pripravljenosti podjetja smo naredili s dvema podpoglavjema in sicer s skladnostjo razvojnih ciljev, struktur, kulture podjetja in predlogom ukrepov za uskladitev strukturnih dejavnikov z dejavniki kulture in obojih z razvojno vizijo, politiko in strategijami podjetja. V naši raziskavi smo zajeli tudi okoljsko proučitev razvojnih možnosti podjetja, kjer smo proučili razvoj okolja in naredili analizo okoljskih priložnosti, nevarnosti in razvojnih tveganj za podjetje ter analizo razvojnih prednosti in pomanjkljivosti proučevanega podjetja, primerjalno z drugim. V zadnjem poglavju v magistrski nalogi smo z izdelavo uresničitvenega programa planiranega razvoja proučevanega podjetja zajeli razvojno strukturiranost podjetja, kjer smo opredelili organizacijsko shemo, strukturo kadrov, izobrazbeno strukturo, tehnično – tehnološko strukturo ter strukturo prihodkov in lastništva. Pri vrednotenju in izbiri strategij podjetja smo za proučevano podjetje izračunali kazalnik gospodarnosti, donosnosti kapitala in kazalnik stopnje finančne varnosti. Program uresničitve smo naredili za štiri planirana leta od 2014-2017, kjer smo za vsako leto planirali razvoj programa planiranega razvoja za podjetje SGP Pomgrad d.d.


razvoj podjetja;planiranje razvoja;vizija;politika podjetja;rast podjetja;uspešnost poslovanja;dinamično podjetništvo;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [T. Verbošt]
UDC: 005.412
COBISS: 12153884 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1407
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Planning of enterpriseʼs development
Secondary abstract: The primary purpose of the master's thesis was to demonstrate the company's development planning SGP Pomgrad d.d. First, we present the growth, development and success of the company in general, the characteristics of dynamic companies, planning the establishment and development of business policy, planning and development at the foundation level of strategic management, then we are all theoretical frameworks presented in the empirical part of the master's thesis on a real company that exists. Companies today operate and evolve in a complex and rapidly changing global environment, it is crucial to monitor the companies (inter) national development trends (Wheelen and Hunger 2010; v Duh 2011, str. 21). In an environment of increasing difficulty and complexity of managing the overall performance of the company, because development opportunities and conditions in individual areas of operation of the company in the environment can vary greatly (Duh 2011, str. 21). The greatest attention was devoted to the master's thesis examined the development company, where we presented basic information about the company (the formation of the company, a description of the key changes in the growth and development of the company and what the company is today). We have defined development vision, policy and strategy, we studied the structural analysis of the company in terms of activity areas and control management functions and made an analysis of the fundamental values of participants' companies. Synthesis of research findings on the company in question, with the proposal of measures to restore and maintain optimum development mode, the company was made by two section namely compliance with the developmental objectives, structure, business culture and proposal of measures to comply structural factors, the factors of culture and both the development vision, policies and strategies of the company. In our study, we also included an examination of environmental development opportunities of companies, where we studied the development of the environment and do analysis of environmental opportunities, threats and risks to business development and analysis of the development strengths and weaknesses of the studied companies, in comparison with others. In the last chapter the thesis was to produce realization development program planned for the current company structure engulfed development businesses where we identify the organizational chart, personnel structure, education structure, technical - technological structure and revenue structure and ownership. In the evaluation and selection of strategies for the company, we studied the company calculated the indicator of economy, return on equity and an indicator of the level of financial security. Program realization was made for the four planned years from 2014-2017, where we for each year of planned development program planned development for the company SGP Pomgrad d.d.
Secondary keywords: SGP Pomgrad d.d;planning development company;company vision;company policy;company strategy;the growth and success of the company;dynamic company.;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: VI, 114 str.
ID: 8887332
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