diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študija
Ružica Roljić (Author), Sabina Zgaga (Mentor)


Na svetu se srečujemo z mnogimi problemi, eden vodilnih pa je uporaba in promet prepovedanih drog. Ta ogroža temeljne človekove vrednote in povezana je z zdravstvenim, psihosocialnim in ekonomskim stanjem družbe. Države imajo različne pristope, kako bi ta problem omejile oziroma na kakšen način. Vlagajo ogromne napore in resorje, s katerimi bi preprečili ali vsaj omejili uporabo in preprodajo drog (Deljkić, 2007). Ugotovili smo, da je večina držav vezanih s konvencijami Organizacije združenih narodov (Enotna konvencija o mamilih iz leta 1961, Konvencija o psihotropnih snoveh iz leta 1971 in Konvencija proti nezakonitemu prometu z narkotičnimi in psihotropnimi drogami iz leta 1988), kot najbolj pomembnimi mednarodnimi dokumenti na področju uporabe in prometa prepovedanih drog. Tudi Evropska unija se ravna po teh dokumentih, prav tako pa je sprejela kar nekaj akcijskih načrtov, aktov in strategij. Eden najpomembnejših dokumentov je Strategija Evropske unije na področju drog, ki vsebinsko pokriva vsa področja problematike prepovedanih drog. Problematiko prepovedanih drog v Sloveniji v prvi vrsti ureja zakonodaja s tega področja (Kazenski zakonik-1, 2012; Uredba o razvrstitvi prepovedanih drog, 2014; Zakon o preprečevanju uporabe prepovedanih drog in obravnavi uživalcev prepovedanih drog, 1999; Zakon o proizvodnji in prometu s prepovedanimi drogami, 2000), poleg nje pa ima pomembno vlogo tudi Nacionalna strategija na področju prepovedanih drog, ki temelji na rezultatih evalvacij izvajanja pretekle strategije, na novejših izsledkih znanosti ter na obstoječi zakonodaji s tega področja. Ugotovili smo, da je mednarodno sodelovanje ključnega pomena za nastajanje dokumentov na področju prepovedanih drog ter da je slovensko kazensko pravo v celoti skladno s sodobnim mednarodnim kazenskim pravom na področju nedovoljene proizvodnje in prodaje mamil. Z analizo letnih poročil Policijske uprave Ljubljana na področju prepovedanih drog smo ugotovili, da gre za porast obravnavanih kaznivih dejanj iz 186. in 187. člena Kazenskega zakonika-1 (2012) v obdobju od leta 2004 do 2014.


kazensko pravo;pravna ureditev;droge;prepovedane droge;kazniva dejanja;organizirana kriminaliteta;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: R. Roljić]
UDC: 343+613.83(043.2)
COBISS: 2992618 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1019
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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: We are facing many problems today in the world and one of the leading ones is the use and traffic of illicit drugs. Drugs are a serious threat to fundamental human values and are linked with health, psichosocial and economic state of the society. Various countries have different approaches to restrict and solve the problem with illicit drugs. Some countries are investing a lot of effort and resources to prevent or restrict the use and trafficking of drugs (Deljkić, 2007). We have found out that most of the countries are bound by the conventions of the United Nations (The Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961, the Convention on Psychotropic Substances of 1971 and the Convention against the Illicit Traffic in Narcotic and Psychotropic Drugs of 1988) as the most important international documents in the field of traffic and use of narcotic drugs. The European Union is also guided by these documents, it also has taken some action plans, acts and strategies in that direction. One of the most important is the Strategy of the European Union in the field of drugs, which cover all areas in terms of the problem of illicit drugs. The problem of narcotic drugs in Slovenia, in the first instance will be governed by the legislation in this field (the Criminal Code-1, 2012; the Regulation on the Classification of Ilicit Drugs, 2014; the Law on the Prevention of Use of Illicit drugs and the Treatment of Illicit drug users, 1999; the Law on Production and Trafficking of Narcotic Drugs, 2000). In addition to that, the National Strategy on the Illicit Drugs also plays an important part in solving the drug problem in Slovenia. It is based on the results of the evaluations of the previous strategy, newest scientific findings and current legislation in this field. We found that international cooperation is of crucial importance for the creation of documents on illicit drugs and that the Slovenian criminal law is in full compliance with the modern International Criminal Law in the area of illegal production and sale of narcotics. With the analysis of the annual reports of the police administration in Ljubljana in the field of narcotic drugs, we found that there has been a rise in crime from 186. and 187. Article of the Criminal Code-1 (2012) during the period from 2004 to 2014.
Secondary keywords: drugs;crime;international documents;Law;Regulation;Convention;international cooperation;Slovenian law;annual reports.;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Pages: 65 str.
ID: 8887504