diplomsko delo
Vesna Kos (Author), Melita Zemljak Jontes (Mentor), Simona Pulko (Mentor)


Diplomsko delo z naslovom Raba zemljepisnih različkov v 6., 7., 8. in 9. razredu osnovne šole je dvodelno, teoretično in empirično. V teoretičnem delu obravnava socialne zvrsti in podzvrsti slovenskega jezika ter šentruperski govor, izpostavlja načelo naslonitve knjižnega jezika na vsakdanji govor učencev in osvetljuje obravnavano tematiko v veljavnih učnih načrtih (iz leta 1998 in 2011). Ugotavlja tudi mesto/vlogo narečij ter uzaveščanje socialne zvrstnosti v Rokusovih delovnih zvezkih in priročnikih za 6., 7,. 8. in 9. razred, ki jih uporabljajo učenci in učitelji na Osnovni šoli Mirna in Osnovni šoli dr. Pavla Lunačka Šentrupert. Empirični del prinaša raziskavo rezultatov dveh anketnih vprašalnikov: prvi je namenjen mirnskim in šentruperskim učencem od 6. do 9. razreda, drugi pa njihovim učiteljem. Raziskala sem, katere socialne zvrsti (ali podzvrsti) uporabljajo anketiranci v določenih govornih okoliščinah (doma, med sokrajani, vrstniki in sošolci, pri pouku slovenščine in pri pouku drugih predmetov, v pogovorih z drugimi zaposlenimi na šoli, s sodelavci), kako obvladajo svoj krajevni narečni govor in kakšen odnos imajo do njega. Pri raziskovanju anketnega vprašalnika za učitelje sem izvedela še, kako govorijo njihovi učenci pri pogovoru o snovi, ustnem preverjanju znanja in pri pripravljenih govornih nastopih, katero socialno zvrst zahtevajo ali dopuščajo pri pouku in kako se odzivajo na narečni govor svojih učencev v tej govorni okoliščini. Rezultate anketiranja učencev sem primerjala glede na šolo, razred in spol, primerjala sem tudi rezultate anketiranja učencev in učiteljev.


slovenščina;socialne zvrsti jezika;narečja;šentruperski govor;osnovne šole;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [V. Kos]
UDC: 811.163.6'276(043.2)
COBISS: 19343624 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1959
Downloads: 103
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The diploma thesis titled The use of dialectal speeches in the 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th classes of primary school is composed of a theoretical and empirical part. The first part of the thesis deals with social genres and its subgenres in the Slovenian language and the local speech of the Šentrupert region. It focuses on the way pupils' every day speech is related to the literary language and it discusses the present theme in current syllabi (from years 1998 to 2011). One of the aims of the thesis is to establish the place/role of dialects and social genres in workbooks and manuals written by Rokus publishing house for the 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th classes, which are used by pupils and teachers at Mirna Primary School and Dr. Pavel Lunaček Primary School, Šentrupert. The empirical part analyses the results obtained through two questionnaires. The first one was filled in by sixth to ninth graders from the mentioned primary schools, the second one was distributed to their teachers. We did a research about the social genres (or subgenres) used by interviewees in different circumstances (when talking at home, with fellow inhabitants, peers and classmates, teachers, other school workers and co-workers, when talking during Slovene lessons and other lessons). Furthermore, we tried to find out how good they are at their regional dialects and we explored their attitude towards their own dialect. The results of the questionnaires filled in by teachers show how pupils speak about the topic during the lesson, which language they use when they are orally examined or when they perform oral presentations. The results reveal social genres that are used or allowed in the lesson and they present teachers' reactions to pupils' dialects in the above-mentioned circumstances. The pupils' results are compared according to school, class and gender. In addition, the survey results of pupils and teachers are compared too.
Secondary keywords: the Slovenian language;primary school;dialectal speeches;Šentrupert local speech;cirkumstances of use;syllabus;the didactic principle of introducing literary language into pupils' spoken language;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za slovanske jezike in književnosti
Pages: V, 160 f., 8 f. pril.
ID: 8887531