delo diplomskega seminarja
Blaž Ogorelc (Author), Borut Milfelner (Mentor)


Tema diplomskega seminarja je sponzoriranje na področju športa s poudarkom na zimskih športnikih. V literaturi najdemo malo raziskav o sponzorstvu z vidika športnikov. V teoretičnem delu prikažem proces sponzoriranja, soodvisnost med sponzorjem in športniki ter zunanje deležnike. Sponzorstvo je v športu pomemben instrument marketinškega komuniciranja, v katerem igrajo sponzorirani športniki vlogo oblikovalcev javnega mnenja pri obveščanju javnosti. Raziskava o zaznavanju in stališčih sponzoriranja med slovenskimi zimskimi športniki je osredotočena na tri področja, ki so: motivi tekmovalcev pri sponzoriranju, tveganja za sponzorirane športnike in dejavniki uspešnega sponzorstva. Glavni motivi športnikov so pridobivanje finančnih sredstev, opreme in storitev ter spodbuda pri treningih. Anketiranci zaznavajo dve glavni nevarnosti, psihološki pritisk na tekmovalca in nevarnost prekinitve pogodbe, ter več dejavnikov uspešnega sponzorstva: vzajemno delovanje, podpora tekmovalcu, redno komuniciranje in aktivacija sponzorstev. smučanje prostega sloga, sponzoriranec, sponzorstvo v športu, sponzorstvo in marketinško komuniciranje, stališča športnikov o sponzorstvu v zimskih športih.


šport;smučanje;sponzorstvo;marketinško komuniciranje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [B. Ogorelc]
UDC: 339.138:796.078
COBISS: 12127772 Link will open in a new window
Views: 865
Downloads: 94
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Sponsorship in freestyle skiing
Secondary abstract: The thesis aims to look at sports sponsorship focusing primarily on winter sports athletes as the sponsorship recipients. Limited research points out the athletes’ role in sponsorship. The theoretical part of thesis seeks to show a sponsorship process, interactions between sponsors and athletes, as well as external stakeholders. Moreover, I discuss sports sponsorship as an increasingly important marketing instrument. The athletes play the role of opinion leaders communicating sponsors’ message to an audience. The survey among Slovene winter sport athletes on perceptions and attitudes towards sports sponsorship focuses three main issues: the reasons for athletes seeking sponsorship, the athletes’ risk perception, and the key elements of a successful sports sponsorship. Specifically, financial supports, acquisition of equipment and services, as well as training motivation are the main motives of athletes. Further, two major threats are the psychological pressure and the risk of contract cancellation. Finally, respondents name several important issues addressing successful sponsorship - commitment (relationship, mutual goals, and shared values), athletes support, frequent communication, and sports-related activations.
Secondary keywords: Freestyle skiing;sponsorship recipient;sports sponsorship;sponsorship and the marketing communication;athletes’ attitudes on winter sport sponsorship.;
Type (COBISS): Final seminar paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: II, 48 str.
ID: 8887557
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