magistrsko delo
Karmen Hozjan (Author), Igor Žiberna (Mentor)


Podnebne spremembe so tema, ki jo v številnih razpravah slišimo vsakodnevno. Podnebje je že od nekdaj imelo pomemben vpliv na bivalno okolje človeka, na kmetijstvo, turizem ipd. in že od nekdaj smo se morali prilagajati podnebni spremenljivosti. Toliko bolj pa je prilagajanje potrebno zdaj, ko so podnebne spremembe dejstvo sedanjosti in še večja grožnja prihodnosti. Slovenija je reliefno in podnebno zelo raznolika. Na njenem območju se mešajo vplivi alpskega, mediteranskega in panonskega podnebja, kar še dodatno pripomore k večji dovzetnosti za podnebne spremembe. Najpogostejše naravne nesreče, ki so posledica podnebnih sprememb v Sloveniji, so predvsem poplave, neurja s točo in suša. Naravne nesreče vsako leto po svetu terjajo veliko življenj in povzročajo vedno večjo materialno škodo. Pogosto so za to krive podnebne spremembe, ki pripeljejo do nastanka vremensko pogojenih ujm. V zadnjem času je pogostost slednjih še izrazitejša, ogroženost ljudi pa s tem tudi večja. Vsakodnevno smo izpostavljeni naravnim nesrečam in nikoli nismo pred njimi popolnoma varni. Tudi s tega vidika je pomembno, da znamo razbrati stopnjo ogroženosti, ki nam grozi, saj so vremensko pogojene naravne nesreče po Resoluciji o strategiji nacionalne varnosti Republike Slovenije najpogostejši dejavnik ogrožanja varnosti državljanov. Vprašanje, kakšno podnebje nas čaka v prihodnosti, si bomo zastavljali tudi v prihodnje. Od tega je namreč v veliki meri odvisna pogostost pojavljanja naravnih nesreč, pa tudi gospodarske, politične, družbene in tehnološke spremembe.


podnebje;podnebne spremembe;naravne nesreče;suša;poplave;neurja;magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [K. Hozjan]
UDC: 504.4:551.583(497.4)(043.2)
COBISS: 21646344 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2129
Downloads: 339
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Climate change is a topic that can be heard daily during various. The climate has always had an important impact on the human living environment, agriculture, tourism, etc., and we have always had to adapt to climate changeability. Adaptation is even more strongly needed now, when climate change is the fact of the present and a growing threat to the future. Slovenia has a diverse relief and climate. There are mixed influences of the Alpine, Mediterranean and Pannonian climate on its territory, which further contributes to increased susceptibility to climate change. The most frequent natural disasters, which are the result of climate change in Slovenia, are floods, hail storms and drought. Every year, natural disasters claim a lot of lives around the world and cause increasingly significant material damage. Often, this is caused by climate change that leads to the formation of weather-related natural disasters. Recently, the frequency of the latter is even more prominent and the endangerment of people is consequently even greater. We are exposed to natural disasters on a daily basis and we are never fully protected from them. Even from this point of view, it is important that we know how to discern the level of threat we face, as the weather-related natural disasters, according to the Resolution on the National Security Strategy of the Republic of Slovenia, are the most common factor compromising the safety of citizens. In the future, we will still ask the question about what kind of climate awaits for us, as it majorly affects the frequency of natural disasters, as well as economic, political, social and technological changes.
Secondary keywords: climate;climate changes;natural disasters;drought;floods;storms;master theses;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za geografijo
Pages: 194 f.
ID: 8887714