delo diplomskega projekta


V situaciji, kakršna danes prevladuje na trgu dela, skorajda ne obstajajo podjetja, ki ne bi imela konkurence in se jim ni potrebno boriti za svoj obstoj. V takšni konkurenci lahko uspejo le tista podjetja, ki so dovolj zagnana ter imajo izobražen in sposoben kader. Ena izmed sposobnosti kadra, ki veliko pripomore k uspehu podjetja, je tudi sposobnost biti dober pogajalec. Katere lastnosti določajo dobrega pogajalca in kakšne možnosti ter orodja ima ta pogajalec na izbiro, lahko preberete v nadaljevanju diplomskega projekta. Delo je sestavljeno iz šestih poglavij, ki se delijo na dva dela. Prvi del zajema teoretični, drugi pa praktični vidik; v njem pa preverjamo teoretična spoznanja na primeru specifičnega podjetja. V teoretičnem delu se najprej srečamo z dejstvom, da se pogajamo praktično vsak dan našega življenja. Vendar pa se iz leta v leto pogajamo za zmeraj bolj pomembne zadeve, z večjo stopnjo odgovornosti in večjim tveganjem. Pomen pogajanja nato prenesemo na raven podjetja ter pogajanja opredelimo in podrobneje spoznamo ločene na faze. Ugotovimo, da je zelo pomembno, da se na pogajanja pripravimo pravilno. Ko smo načrtovali vse elemente, ki jih zajemajo priprave, se zadostno informirali in organizirali, smo pripravljeni, da s pogajanji pričnemo. Začetek pogajanj je namenjen spoznavanju strank in opredeljevanju njihove začetne pozicije. V tej fazi stranki spoznata, kako blizu so si njihovi interesi in želje. Na podlagi izhodišč, predstavljenih v začetku pogajanj, stranki poskušata v nadaljevanju najti skupno pot s pomočjo dokazovanja, prepričevanja ter popuščanja. Ko se končno strinjata, sestavita in podpišeta sporazum. Tako zaključimo z deljenjem poslovnih pogajanj na faze in prehajamo na drugi del diplomskega projekta, v katerem preverjamo prisotnost teorije v podjetju Stampal SB. Naš glavni namen v empiričnem delu je spoznati strategije in taktike pogajanj, ki jih v podjetju Stampal SB najpogosteje uporabljajo. Da bi le-te spoznali, smo o njihovi prisotnosti povprašali direktorja podjetja Stampal SB. Izvedli smo poglobljen intervju, v katerem so se vprašanja nanašala na preučeno teoretično vsebino. Z intervjujem smo prišli do spoznanja, da v podjetju Stampal SB uporabljajo predvsem Združevalno strategijo in Strategijo partnerstva. Najpogostejša izbira taktike, s katero se srečujejo, je Taktika rezin. Ostale taktike, ki smo jih navedli v diplomskem projektu, so v njihovih pogajanjih prisotne, ampak v zelo nizki meri. Povprašali smo tudi o drugih elementih pogajanja, ki smo jih v teoretičnem delu obravnavali. Naš diplomski projekt se konča z analiziranjem odgovorov poglobljenega intervjuja, v katerem razglabljamo tudi o hipotezah in predpostavkah, ki smo jih postavili v začetku tega dela.


pogajanja;poslovna pogajanja;taktika;strategija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [M. Harner]
UDC: 005.8:005.574
COBISS: 12235548 Link will open in a new window
Views: 876
Downloads: 99
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Tactics and strategies of negotiations of the company Stampal SB
Secondary abstract: In such a situation, as now prevails in the labor market, we almost do not know companies that are not competitive and do not need to fight for existence. And in such a competitive environment only those companies who have the most driven and knowledgeable staff can survive. One of the skills of the staff who greatly contribute to the success of the company also has to be the ability to be a good negotiator. What qualities determine a good negotiator and what tools a good negotiator has to have, you can read the rest of this in the next chapters. The work consists of six chapters, which are divided into two parts. The first part covers the theoretical and the other practical aspect, and in the practical aspect we test theoretical knowledge in the case of specific companies. In the theoretical part we first encounter with the fact that we are negotiating virtually every day of our lives. However, in further years we try to negotiate increasingly more important issues, with a greater degree of responsibility and increased risk. The importance of negotiations is transferred to the level of companies and negotiations are defined and are recognized by distinct phases. We find that it is very important that the negotiations are prepared properly. When we planned all the elements that are covered by the preparations, and we are sufficiently informed and organized, then we are ready to begin the negotiations. The opening of negotiations is aimed at understanding clients and identifying their initial positions. At this stage, the parties start to know each other, how close their interests and preferences are. Based on the positions presented at the beginning of the negotiations, the parties now attempt to find a common path through demonstration, persuasion and loosening. When they finally agree, they sign an agreement. With this, we conclude on dividing the business phases of negotiation and transit on the second part of the thesis, in which we verify the presence of a theory in the company Stampal SB. Our main purpose of the empirical part is to learn strategies and tactics of negotiations which are commonly used in the company Stampal BS. So we could learn more about their presence, we asked the director of the company Stampal BS. We conducted an in-depth interview in which the questions are related to the theoretical contents. In the interview we came to the conclusion that the company Stampal SB uses primarily unifying strategy and strategy of partnerships. The most common choice of tactics they choose is the tactics of wafer. Other tactics of negotiations that we have indicated before, are present, but in a very low rate. We also asked about other elements of the negotiations, which were discussed in the theoretical part. Our thesis ends by analyzing the answers of the in-depth interview in which we debate hypotheses and assumptions, which were set at the beginning of this work.
Secondary keywords: negotiations;business negotiations;negotiation tactics;negotiation strategies;Stampal SB.;
Type (COBISS): Final seminar paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: II, 37 str.
ID: 8887817