delo diplomskega seminarja
Alan Vidovič (Author), Anton Ogorelc (Mentor)


Namen diplomskega seminarja je analiza možnosti razvoja turizma v občini Črna na Koroškem. V teoretičnem delu naloge prikažem smernice strategije razvoja turizma Slovenije ter strategije razvoja Mežiške doline in Črne na Koroškem s poudarkom na trajnostnem sonaravnem razvoju. Predstavljene so tudi osnovne geografske značilnosti in značilnosti turistične ponudbe obravnavane turistične destinacije. Osrednji del diplomskega seminarja predstavlja analiza dosedanjega razvoja turizma v turistični destinaciji Črna na Koroškem. Orišem vidike sonaravnega razvoja v občinski strategiji in njeno usklajenost s strategijo razvoja regije (Mežiška dolina) kot celote. Ugotavljam, da je turistična destinacija v glavnem upoštevala zakonitosti sonaravnega razvoja turizma. S pomočjo ankete analiziram zaznavanje Črnjanov o gospodarskih, socio-kulturnih in okoljskih vplivih turizma. Glavni problem je v precejšnji nezainteresiranosti domačinov glede turizma. Ob koncu prikažem tudi nekatere izzive in možnosti za nadaljnji sonaravni trajnostni razvoj turistične destinacije.


turistične destinacije;razvoj turizma;turizem;naravna dediščina;turistična ponudba;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [A. Vidovič]
UDC: 338.48
COBISS: 12168476 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1337
Downloads: 174
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Sustainable development of tourist destination Črna na Koroškem
Secondary abstract: The purpose of the graduate seminar paper is to analyse the possibilities for tourism development in the municipality Črna na Koroškem. In the first part, the trends in Slovenian tourism development are shown as well as the development strategies in the area of Mežiška dolina and in the selected municipality, with an emphasis on sustainable development. Furthermore, the main geographical features of the municipality, as well as the key characteristics of its tourism offerings are presented. The main part of the diploma thesis represents the analysis of tourism development in the tourist destination Črna na Koroškem and how tourism impacts are perceived by residents. I outline the different aspects of sustainable development of this tourist destination as well as its conformity with the development strategy in the entire region. I assert that the tourist destination has mostly taken into account the features of the sustainable development. Based on a survey, I analyse how residents perceive the economic, socio-cultural, and environmental impacts of tourism on the community. The main problem is the residents' indifferent attitude towards tourism. Finally, I outline challenges as well as potential opportunities for future sustainable tourism development in the destination.
Secondary keywords: Keywords: sustainable development of tourism destination;strategy of tourism development;tourist destination Črna na Koroškem;economic;socio-cultural and environmental tourism impacts;residents' perception of tourism impacts.;
Type (COBISS): Final seminar paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: [3], 44 str.
ID: 8888112
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