diplomski projekt
Monika Tertinek (Author), Tjaša Štrukelj (Mentor)


V diplomskem projektu smo se osredotočili na planiranje razvoja turistične agencije Aritours d.o.o. na ravni strateškega managementa. Proučevano podjetje je mikro podjetje z 22–letno tradicijo. Njegova glavna dejavnost je organizacija potovanj s posebno tematsko vsebino in romanj, ki zavzemajo duhovno dimenzijo; leta 2007 so obstoječi ponudbi dodali receptivni turizem, kjer so se specializirali na področju apiturizma. Diplomski projekt je sestavljen iz teoretičnega in empiričnega dela. V diplomskem projektu smo najprej predstavili turistično agencijo Aritours d.o.o. in preučili posebnosti obravnavanega podjetja (podjetniško idejo, vizijo, izbrane značilnosti in posebnosti podjetja). Predstavili smo tudi obstoječo politiko podjetja, obstoječe strategije in strukture proučevanega podjetja. Nadaljevali smo s planiranjem razvoja podjetja na ravni strateškega managementa, kjer smo proučili izhodišča za planiranje razvoja turistične agencije Aritours d.o.o. na ravni strateškega managementa, ki so za vsebino tega diplomskega projekta najpomembnejša. Najprej smo proučili podjetje ter določili njegove prednosti, slabosti in vrednote ter na podlagi proučitve razvoja okolja določili še možnosti in nevarnosti. Nato smo določili programsko-tržna področja in iskali razvojne možnosti turistične agencije Aritours d.o.o. Za programsko-tržna področja obravnavanega podjetja smo podali oceno perspektivnosti in konkurenčne sposobnosti podjetja in na podlagi pridobljenih rezultatov izdelali portfolio analizo programsko-tržnih področij. Za izbrane razvojne možnosti smo planirali prihodnje strategije podjetja, ki pa jih nismo ekonomsko ovrednotili. Razvoj proučevanega podjetja smo za izbrane strategije in njim ustrezne planirane strukture na koncu še programirali, tako da smo zanj opredelili program razvoja.


politika podjetja;planiranje razvoja;razvoj podjetja;vrednote;turizem;turistične agencije;strateški management;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [M. Tertinek]
UDC: 005.412:338.48
COBISS: 12120348 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1621
Downloads: 347
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Development planning of Aritours d. o. o. tourist agency at strategic management level
Secondary abstract: For the graduation project we focused on development planning of the tourist agency Aritours d.o.o. at the strategic management level. The studied company is a micro company with 22 years of tradition. Their main activity is the organisation of travels with a special thematic content and pilgrimages, which contains a spiritual dimension; in 2007 they started to work as receptive tour operator, specialized for apitourism in addition to their existing supply of services. The graduation project consists of a theoretical and an empirical part. At first, the tourist agency Aritours d.o.o. is introduced and their individualities are studied (business idea, vision, selected peculiarities and characteristics of the company). The company's policy, existing strategies and structures of the studied company are presented. Further on, we continued with the development planning of the company at the level of strategic management where we studied basic premise for development planning of the tourist agency Aritours d.o.o. at the level of strategic management, the most important aspect of the content of this graduation project. First we studied the company for its strengths, weaknesses and values and then determined opportunities and threats based on the environment development study. Then we determined programs–market areas and searched for development opportunities for the tourist agency Aritours d.o.o. We estimated possibilities and the competitive capacity of undertakings for programs-market areas and made portfolio analysis on the basis of the results we obtained. For the selected development possibilities, we planned future strategies of the company, which were however not economically assessed. At the end, we programmed development of the studied company for selected strategies and corresponding planned structures in the way that we defined the development program for it.
Secondary keywords: vision;company policy;strategies;structures;strategic business areas;strategic management.;
Type (COBISS): Final seminar paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: II f., 55 str.
ID: 8888365