magistrsko delo
Mateja Fuks (Author), Ivan Anžel (Mentor), Lidija Fras Zemljič (Co-mentor), Karin Stana-Kleinschek (Co-mentor)


Naloga odpira nov pristop obdelave kompostnih izcednih vod in omogoča maksimalno recikliranje njenih komponent (zlasti težkih kovin) kot sekundarnih surovin pri proizvodnji nanoporoznih struktur z višjo dodano vrednostjo. Za odstranitev težkih kovin iz kompostne izcedne vode bi uporabili okolju prijazne naravne biorazgradljive polimere na bazi polisaharidov npr. hitozana, ki imajo visoko afiniteto za adsorpcijo kovin. Nastali kompleks hitozana s kovinami (hitozanski kelat) ločimo od preostale kompostne vode s filtracijo oziroma centrifugiranjem, medtem ko se lahko filtrat primarno uporabi kot gnojilo ali pa se biološko in kemijsko čisti tako, da se spušča v vodotoke. Inovativnost naloge se odraža v nadaljnji uporabi kompleksa kovinskega hitozana s kovinami za izpredanje nanoporoznih struktur s tehniko elektropredenja za pridobitev funkcionalnih materialov, z različnimi fizikalno-kemijskimi lastnostmi, s poudarkom na prevodnosti in ki jih lahko nadalje uporabimo za proizvodnjo različnih materialov ter kompozitov, npr. v tekstilni in gradbeni ter elektro industriji (tehnične tekstilije).


hitozan;elektropredenje;izcedna kompostna voda;keliranje;kovine;magistrske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Publisher: [M. Fuks]
UDC: 620.3:677.076:628.35(043.2)
COBISS: 19096342 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1363
Downloads: 120
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Functional nanomaterials from renewable recycled chitosan-chelatas
Secondary abstract: The master's thesis establishes a new approach to the treatment of compost leachate and allows maximum recycling of its components (especially of heavy metals) as the secondary raw materials in the production of nanoporous structures with higher added value. For the removal of heavy metals from compost leachate we would use environmentally friendly natural biodegradable polymers based on polysaccharides, for example chitosan, that have a high affinity for the absorption of metals. The formed complex of chitosan with metals (chitosan chelate) is separated from the rest of the compost leachate by filtration and centrifugation respectively, while the primary filtrate can be used as a fertiliser or can be biologically and chemically treated with the descent into the watercourses. The innovation of this master’s thesis is reflected in the further use of the metal-chitosan complex with metals for the spinning of nanoporous structures with the electrospinning technique for obtaining functional materials, with different physico-chemical properties, with a focus on conductivity and which can be further used to produce a variety of materials and composites, for example in the textile, construction and electro industry (technical textile).
Secondary keywords: chitosan;electrospinning;compost leachate water;chelation;metals;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za strojništvo, Tehniško varstvo okolja
Pages: VIII, 65 f.
ID: 8888405