ǂthe ǂcase of cloud services Osynic in educational institution
Špela Kočar (Author), Simona Sternad (Mentor)


Računalništvo v oblaku predstavlja novost v današnjem času, ki je prisotno povsod in je postalo nepogrešljivo tako za vsakdanjo uporabo kot za uspešno poslovanje podjetij. Magistrsko delo obravnava področje računalništva v oblaku s poudarkom na shranjevanju datotek v oblaku in deljenju dokumentov med uporabniki. Predstavili smo najpomembnejše značilnosti oblaka, njegove prednosti in slabosti, naredili smo tudi SWOT analizo, kjer opisujemo poslovne priložnosti in opozarjamo podjetja na morebitne nevarnosti. Opisali smo posamezne tipe računalništva v oblaku, predstavili njihove prednosti ter slabosti in tudi poslovni potencial računalništva v oblaku. Skušali smo razložiti, zakaj sploh bi se podjetja naj odločila preseliti svoje poslovanje v oblaku. Vedno, ko se na trgu pojavi novost, je največji poudarek produkta predvsem na varnosti. V magistrski nalogi zato pojasnjujemo varovanje podatkov v oblaku in predstavljamo razna tveganja. Dotaknili smo se tudi najpopularnejših oblačnih storitev in jih nato med seboj tudi primerjali. Predstavili smo Gartnerjev magični kvadrant, kjer sta med vodilnimi ponudniki oblačne storitve kot infrastrukture Amazon in Microsoft, Google pa jima dosledno sledi. V praktičnem delu smo se podrobno osredotočili predvsem na oblačno storitev Qsynic v okviru strežnika Qnap NAS in njene ključne storitve, prednosti ter pomankljivosti. Na kratko smo opisali strežnik Qnap NAS, ki ga je vzpostavila izobraževalna ustanova X, ki jo uporabljamo kot primer podjetja v naši nalogi. Opisali smo, kako so v izobraževalni ustanovi X uvedli omenjeno storitev, kakšne cilje so si zadali pri uvedbi Qsynic in predstavili njihov trenutni model deljenja informacij in podatkov med zaposlenimi. Za konec smo podali še naše ugotovitve in predstavili naše predloge izboljšav.


poslovna informatika;računalništvo;računalništvo v oblaku;uvajanje;prednosti;slabosti;shranjevanje podatkov;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [Š. Kočar]
UDC: 004.77
COBISS: 12129052 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1005
Downloads: 136
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Business potential storage and sharing files in the cloud
Secondary abstract: Nowadays, cloud computing represents a novelty, present everywhere, and has become indispensable for everyday use of individual users as well as successful business. This master's thesis deals with the area of cloud computing, with the emphasis on saving files in the cloud and sharing documents among users. We have presented the most important features of the cloud, together with its strengths and weaknesses, we have made a SWOT analysis, in which we have described the business opportunities and warned the companies of potential dangers of which they should be aware. We have described each type of cloud computing and presented their advantages and disadvantages, we have also presented business potential of cloud computing, and tried to explain why a company should decided to move its business into the virtual cloud. Every time a novelty appears on the market, the major focus is mainly on product safety. This thesis therefore explains the protection of data in the cloud and presents various risks. We have also briefly described the most popular cloud services and compared them. We have presented the Gartner Magic Quadrant, among witch the leading providers of cloud infrastructure services are Amazon and Microsoft, with Google following them consistently. In the practical part, we have focused in detail on the cloud service Qsynic within the QNAP NAS server and its key services, advantages, and disadvantages. We have briefly described the QNAP NAS server, set up by an educational establishment X, which is used as an example of a company in our thesis. We have described how an educational institution X has implemented this cloud service, what goals they have set for the implementation of Qsynic, and presented their current model of sharing information and data among the employees. In the conclusion, we have presented our findings and our proposals for improvements.
Secondary keywords: Cloud computing;security;Qsynic;cloud types;implementation;advantages and disadvantages.;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: III, 70 str.
ID: 8888596
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