diplomsko delo
Sanja Pavličič (Author), Suzana Kraljić (Mentor)


Skozi zgodovino smo priča tehnikam discipliniranja otrok, ki so tesno povezane s telesnim kaznovanjem kot edino obliko discipliniranja. Dobro poznana špartanska vzgoja je temeljila na zelo krutih telesnih kaznih in verjeli so, da le tako otrok postane telesno odporen. Slabotne in pohabljene otroke so vrgli zverem. Tudi naši dedi in babice kot otroci niso imeli kaj dosti pravic, v 19. stoletju je še veljala krščanska vzgoja in kaznovanje otrok je bilo uveljavljeno v vseh šolah, palica je bila tako rekoč povsod, kjer so bili otroci. Otrok je človeško bitje, zato ima enake pravice kot odrasel človek. Ker pa sam ne more skrbeti za svoje pravice, mu mora pravo nuditi večjo varstvo, kadar pride do kršitev le-teh. Danes zaščito otrok zagotavlja Svet Evrope, ki sledi ciljem Konvencije o otrokovih pravicah, ter Evropsko sodišče za človekove pravice. Od države do države se pogled na telesno kaznovanje otrok razlikuje. Nekatere dovoljujejo uporabo sile pri discipliniranju svojih otrok, druge postavljajo omejitve, kdaj in v katerih primerih je dovoljena uporaba telesnega kaznovanja kot vzgojnega ukrepa. Pri nas nimamo enotnega zakona, ki bi celovito rešil ali pa vsaj določil meje discipliniranja otrok, kot je to storila Kanada. Veliko staršev meni, da država nima pravice posegati v njihovo pravico vzgajati otroke v skladu s svojim prepričanjem. Nekateri celo verjamejo, da je klofuta vzgojna in da jim nihče ne more predpisovati načina vzgoje lastnih otrok.


discipliniranje otrok;telesno kaznovanje;Konvencija o otrokovih pravicah;Družinski zakonik;starševska pravica;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [S. Pavličić]
UDC: 347.635(043.2)
COBISS: 5051947 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1335
Downloads: 202
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Throughout the history we have witnessed different techniques of disciplining children, which are closely related to the corporal punishment that was the only form of discipline. Well-known Spartan upbringing was based on a very cruel corporal punishment and they believed that this is the only way for a child to become physically resistant. Weak and crippled children were thrown to the beasts. Even our grandparents, in their childhood, did not have much rights as in 19th century Christian education and punishment were part of the curriculum in every school and a stick was virtually everywhere – wherever there were children. Children are human beings and therefore have the same rights as the adults. Since they can not take care of their rights the law should offer greater protection when violations occur. Today, Council of Europe shall ensure the child protection, following the objectives of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the European Court of Human Rights. Attitude towards the corporal punishment of children varies from state to state. Some allow the use of force in disciplining their children, while others impose restrictions on when, and in which cases, it is permitted to use corporal punishment as a preventive measure. We do not have unified law that would completely solve or at least set the boundaries of disciplining a child, as is done in Canada. Considerable number of people oppose such legislation. They refer to the parents' right to educate children in accordance with their own beliefs and also believe that a slap is educational and that no one can dictate them how they should educate their children.
Secondary keywords: child disciplining;corporal punishment;Convention on the Rights of the Child;Family Law;parental right.;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak.
Pages: 32 f. + [1] str. pril.
ID: 8888679
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