magistrsko delo
Teodora Hristovska (Author), Bojan Dobovšek (Mentor)


V magistrskem delu, ki je pred vami, sem poskusila obdelati in pojasniti organizirano kriminaliteto v Makedoniji. V prvem oziroma uvodnem delu naloge je opisana struktura naloge, cilji, uporabljene metode, hipoteze, opredelitev in definicije pojma organizirane kriminalitete in kaznivih dejanj, povezanih z njimi, ter skupine organiziranega kriminala, ki delujejo na območju Republike Makedonije. Iz obdelanih podatkov je razvidno, da na stanje organiziranega kriminala v Makedoniji močno vpliva več dejavnikov, in sicer etnična pripadnost prebivalstva, težavna tranzicija države, ki se je zgodila po razpadu nekdanje SFR Jugoslavije, visoka stopnja korupcije, vpliv izvršilne veje oblasti nad delom državnih organov ter geostrateška pozicija države na Balkanu. Osrednji del naloge je namenjen spoznavanju različnih oblik organiziranega kriminala v Makedoniji. V magistrskem delu predstavljam najpogostejše oblike organiziranega kriminala v Makedoniji: kriminaliteta države, trgovina z ljudmi in tihotapljenje migrantov, trgovina s prepovedanimi drogami in cigaretami, trgovina z orožjem, korupcija ter gospodarska kriminaliteta in pranje denarja. Za vsako obliko kriminalitete sem obdelala tudi primer iz prakse. Empirični del naloge je sestavljen iz analize treh intervjujev, ki sem jih izvedla s strokovnjaki s področja organiziranega kriminala: s Petkom Burlijovskim (nekdanjim načelnikom policije v Bitoli), s prof. dr. Zlatejem Dimovskim (izrednim profesorjem na Fakulteti za varnost v Skopju) ter z osebo, ki je dolga leta delala v makedonski Upravi za varnost in protiobveščanje in ima veliko praktičnih izkušenj, zaradi česar je prosila, da njene identitete ne razkrivamo. Za potrebe magistrskega dela sem omenjeno osebo imenovala X. Y. Na koncu magistrskega dela podajam zaključek, do katerega sem prišla na podlagi obdelanih podatkov in opravljenih intervjujev.


organizirana kriminaliteta;preprečevanje;Makedonija;magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: T. Hristovska]
UDC: 343.341(497.7)(043.2)
COBISS: 2998250 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1325
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: In the master thesis that is in front of you, I have tried to explore and explain the organized crime phenomenon in the Republic of Macedonia. The first, or the introduction part, covers the thesis’ structure, goals, methods that have been used, hypothesis, definitions of the organized crime and other crimes associated with it, and organized crime groups operating on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia. From the processed data, it can be easily concluded that the condition of organized crime in Macedonia is strongly influenced by several different factors, including ethnicity of the population, the difficult transition the country has gone through after the disintegration of the former Yugoslavia, high level of corruption and the influence of the government over the work of the state bodies, as well as the geostrategic position in the Balkans of the country itself. The central part of the thesis, is devoted to studying the different forms of organized crime in Macedonia. In my thesis, I paid more attention to the most common forms of organized crime: state crime, human trafficking and migrant smuggling, trafficking in narcotic drugs and cigarettes, arms trafficking, corruption, economic crime and money laundering. For each form of the mentioned crimes, I presented a different case example from practice. The empirical part of the thesis consists of analyses of the information gathered from the three conducted interviews with experts that currently work or have worked in the field of organized crime. These are: Petko Burlijovski (former Chief of Police in Bitola), Prof. dr. Zlate Dimovski (Associate Professor in the Faculty of Security in Skopje) and one person who had worked in the Administration for Security and Counter Intelligence of Macedonia for many years and possesses a lot of practical experience. Given the nature of the work, this person has asked to keep his real identity a secret. However, for the purposes of this thesis, I appointed that person as XY. At the end of the master thesis is the conclusion, to which I have come, on the basis of all the processed data and the interviews.
Secondary keywords: organized crime;Republic of Macedonia;corruption;Balkan route.;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Pages: 83 str.
ID: 8888899