diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študija
Žiga Malec (Author), Darja Topolšek (Mentor), Tina Cvahte (Co-mentor)


V diplomskem delu je predstavljen oddelek transporta, ki je odgovoren za organizacijo celotnega transporta v podjetju Cinkarna Celje, d. d.. Problematika, ki smo jo obravnavali, obsega številne izzive razklada titanove žlindre, ki so jih povzročili slabo vzdrževana mehanska oprema na tovornih vagonih vrste Tadds-z in nizke zimske temperature, zaradi katerih je ruda občasno zmrznila v vagonu. V prvem delu je predstavljeno obstoječe stanje, v katerem zelo podrobno in natančno opisujemo potek dela in organizacijo razklada rude, ki jo na koncu zaključimo s kritično analizo. V drugem delu smo predstavili možne predloge optimizacije razklada, kot so: najem tovornih vagonov s hidravlično opremo, nakup pnevmatskih nastavkov modela STKIT908, na katere lahko montiramo pnevmatske industrijske vibratorje podjetja VIBCO, in uporaba epoksi premaza, s katerim bi preprečili, da bi se ruda prilepila na steno vagona, in s tem omogočili hitrejše odtekanje iz razkladalnih loput. Ugotovili smo, da obstoječi način razklada, kot ga podjetje izvaja sedaj, ni optimalen, ker je predrag glede na možnosti, ki jih ponuja tržišče. V zaključku smo podali oceno in vrednotenje uspešnosti predlaganih rešitev, pogoje za uvedbo le-teh in možnosti nadaljnjega razvoja. Vodstvo podjetje se mora na podlagi zaključka odločiti o implementaciji predlaganih rešitev.


logistični procesi;notranji transport;železniška infrastruktura;titanova žlindra;kritična analiza;logistika;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FL - Faculty of Logistics
Publisher: [Ž. Malec]
UDC: 338
COBISS: 512700733 Link will open in a new window
Views: 906
Downloads: 119
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Reorganization of the unloading of titanium slag in the company Cinkarna Celje, d. d.
Secondary abstract: The thesis deals with the department of transport responsible for organizing all the transport in the company Cinkarna Celje d. d.. We deal with a number of challenges related to the unloading of titanium slag, which are caused by poorly maintained mechanical equipment on the freight wagons model Tadds-z and low winter temperatures, because of which the ore in the wagons freezes occasionally. In the first part, we present the current situation and offer a very detailed and accurate description of the workflow and the organization of the unloading of the ore. We conclude this part of the thesis with a critical analysis. In the second part, we present the possibilities to optimize the unloading, such as: renting of freight wagons with hydraulic equipment; buying pneumatic nozzles STKIT908 on which pneumatic vibrators of the company VIBCO can be installed; using an epoxy coating which would prevent the ore to stick to the walls of the wagon and thereby allow faster drainage from the unloading flaps. We have established that the existing method of unloading used by the company, is not optimal, because if all the possibilities available on the market are considered, it is too expensive. In conclusion, we assessed the effectiveness of the proposed solutions, the conditions for introducing them and the possibilities for further development. It is up to the management of the company to decide whether or not to implement any of the proposed solutions
Secondary keywords: logistics processes;internal transport;railway infrastrucure;titanium slag;critical analysis;logistics;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za logistiko
Pages: VIII, 86 f., [1] f. pril.
ID: 8888914
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