diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študijskega programa I. stopnje
Tamara Zadravec (Author), Regina Fuchs-Godec (Mentor), Mojca Slemnik (Co-mentor)


Namen diplomskega dela je bil s pomočjo gravimetrijske metode določiti inhibicijske lastnosti neionskega surfaktanta TRITON-X-100 v primeru točkaste korozije na nerjavnem jeklu PROKRON 11sp v klorovodikovi kislini. Izbrali smo si raztopino kisline HCl štirih različnih koncentracij: c = 1,0 mol L-1, 0,5 mol L-1, 0,1 mol L-1 ter 0,05 mol L-1. Koncentracije dodanega inhibitorja TRITON-X-100 so bile sledeče; c = 5×10-3, 10-3, 5×10-4, 10-4 ter 5×10-5 mol L-1. Pri raztopini kisline s koncentracijo c = 1,0 mol L-1 ter 0,5 mol L-1 so bile uporabljene koncentracije TRITON-X-100 c = 5×10-3 mol L-1, 5×10-4 mol L-1 in 5×10-5 mol L-1. Pri raztopini kisline s koncentracijo c = 0,1 mol L-1 smo zraven teh koncentracij TRITON-X-100 dodali še koncentracijo c = 10-3 mol L-1, medtem ko smo pri raztopini kisline koncentracije c = 0,05 mol L-1 uporabili še koncentracijo TRITON-X-100 c = 10-4 mol L-1. Podrobneje smo obdelali raztopino klorovodikove kisline HCl s koncentracijo c = 0,05 mol L-1, kateri smo dodali pet različnih koncentracij neionskega surfaktanta TRITON-X-100. Zanimal nas je predvsem pojav prirastka mase, ki se pojavi prav v primeru pri že prej omenjeni koncentraciji klorovodikove kisline. Ugotovili smo, da ta pojav ni naključje, saj se pojavi pri vseh dodanih koncentracijah neionskega surfaktanta TRITON-X-100, kar nakazuje na uspešno inhibicijo zaradi nastale adsorbirane plasti. Proučevali smo korozijsko dogajanje v mirujočem korodirnem mediju v časovnih razmakih dveh, osmih in štiriindvajsetih ur. Uporabili smo gravimetrično metodo ter slikanje površin jekla z uporabo optičnega mikroskopa. Ugotovili smo, da inhibitor TRITON-X-100 že pri nizkih koncentracijah zadovoljivo inhibira korozijske procese v raztopinah klorovodikove kisline.


korozija;točkasta korozija;surfaktanti;učinkovitost inhiibitorjev;gravimetrična metoda;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Publisher: [T. Zadravec]
UDC: 620.197.3:620.193.4(043.2)
COBISS: 19426326 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1181
Downloads: 70
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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The purpose of this thesis has been to determine with the help of the gravimetric method the inhibition properties of nonionic surfactant TRITON-X-100 in the case of pitting corrosion on the stainless steel PROKRON 11sp in hydrochloric acid. We have chosen the acid solution HCl of four different concentrations: c = 1,0 mol L-1, 0,5 mol L-1, 0,1 mol L-1 and 0,05 mol L-1. The concentrations of the added inhibitor TRITON-X-100 were as follows; c = 5×10-3, 10-3, 5×10-4, 10-4 and 5×10-5 mol L-1. By the acid solution with concentrations c = 1,0 mol L-1 and 0,5 mol L-1 there were used the following concentrations of TRITON-X-100 c = 5×10-3 mol L-1, 5×10-4 mol L-1 in 5×10-5 mol L-1. By the acid solution with the concentration c = 0,1 mol L-1 we also added the concentration c = 10-3 mol L-1, while by the acid solution with the concentration c = 0,05 mol L-1 we also used concentration TRITON-X-100 c = 10-4 mol L-1. We analyzed more specifically the solution of hydrochloric acid HCl with the concentration c = 0,05 mol L-1, which we added five different concentrations of nonionic surfactant TRITON-X-100. We were particularly interested in the occurrence of weight gain that occurs by the above mentioned concentration of hydrochloric acid. We found out that this occurrence is not a coincidence, since it appears at all added concentrations of the nonionic surfactant TRITON-X-100, which indicates a successful inhibition because of the created adsorbed layer. We studied the corrosion events in stationary corrosive medium at time intervals of two, eight and twenty-four hours. We used the gravimetric method and painting the surfaces of steel using an optical microscope. We discovered that the inhibitor TRITON-X-100 already by low concentrations sufficiently inhibits the corrosion processes in the solutions of hydrochloric acid.
Secondary keywords: corrosion;pitting;surfactants;inhibition efficiency;gravimetric method;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo
Pages: X, 25 str.
ID: 8889027
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