diplomsko delo
Vanesa Berdnik (Author), Zlatko Dežman (Mentor)


V kazenskem pravu imajo kazniva dejanja zoper varnost cestnega prometa posebno vlogo. Temeljni kaznivi dejanji sta povzročitev prometne nesreče iz malomarnosti in nevarna vožnja v cestnem prometu. Nevarna vožnja v cestnem prometu je novo kaznivo dejanje, ki je bilo uvedeno z novelo KZ-1B. Problem teme je pojem prometne nesreče. V teoriji in praksi obstajajo različna stališča, kaj pomeni pojem prometne nesreče. Medtem ko eni zagovarjajo, da je prometna nesreča prepovedana posledica, drugi menijo, da je objektivni pogoj kaznivosti. V diplomski nalogi so na začetku predstavljeni aktualni problemi in konceptualne razlike med KZ in KZ-1. Temu sledi opis kaznivega dejanja povzročitve prometne nesreče iz malomarnosti in sam pojem prometne nesreče, krivda, vzročna zveza in na koncu še skladnost določb 323. člena in 324. člena.


kazensko pravo;krivda;vzročna zveza;prometna nesreča;povzročitev prometne nesreče iz malomarnosti;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [V. Berdnik]
UDC: 343.618(043.2)
COBISS: 5075499 Link will open in a new window
Views: 893
Downloads: 207
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The Conception of Road Accident in the Structure of Criminal Offences against Road Safety
Secondary abstract: Offences against road safety represent a special part in criminal law. Basic offences are causing a road accident by negligence as well as dangerous (eg reckless) driving. Reckless driving is a new offence, introduced by KZ-1B. The problem of the theme dealt with in my diploma work is the conception of road accident since in theory and in practise there are different attitudes on that issue. It is claimed by some law experts that the road accident means prohibited consequence, on the other hand it is regarded by some experts as objective condition of criminality. At the beginning of my diploma work actual problems and differences between KZ and KZ-1 are presented. They are followed by the description of the offence of causing a road accident by negligence as well as the conception of the road accident, guilt, causal link and finally the accordance of the regulations between articles 323 and 324 KZ-1B.
Secondary keywords: guilt;causal link;road accident;causing road accident by negligence;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak.
Pages: 28 f. + [1] str. pril.
ID: 8889429
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