role of libraries in fostering and practicing polices of literacy, life long learning and information literacy education
Athina Basha (Author), Polona Vilar (Mentor), Ivanka Stričević (Co-mentor)


Magistrsko delo se ukvarja z raziskovanjem informacijske pismenosti (IP) v Albaniji in vlogo knjižnic pri vzpostavljanju in izvajanju politike opismenjevanja in vseživljenjskega učenja. Uporabljena je bila raziskovalna metoda ankete. Cilj raziskave je bil prispevati nacionalno razpravo o vprašanjih IP in koristiti ministrstvom, knjižnicam, univerzam in drugim državnim institucijam pri pripravi nacionalnega akcijskega načrta za IP in njeno prihodnost v Albaniji. Raziskava je pokazala pomanjkanje razumevanja koncepta IP med raznimi akterji od vlade, ministrstev do knjižnic in univerz. Albanija nima nacionalne strategije niti programov in seminarjev na temo magistrskega dela. Sam koncept IP je pogosto zamenjan z konceptom Informacije in komuniciranje. Tudi knjižnice nimajo ustrezne infrastrukture, da bi razvijale znanje v družbi. Naši rezultati in zaključki o trenutnem stanju IP in njenem vplivu na albansko vsakdanje življenje bodo osvetlili pomen IL v prihodnjem razvoju albanske družbe in albanskih državljanov. Predlagamo nove knjižnice in izobraževalne strategije in pobude, vključno s spremembami v učnih načrtih in drugih dokumentih. Informacijska pismenost je nujno potrebna v Albaniji. Nove razmere zahtevajo nova znanja in spretnosti za navigacijo, vrednotiti in uporabljati podatke. Univerze, knjižnice, knjižnična združenja v sodelovanju z drugimi institucijami so ključnega pomena, da bi se državljane usposobilo za ustrezno uporabo informacij v strokovnih in vsakodnevnih življenjskih odločitvah.


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Language: English
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [A. Basha]
UDC: 028:004(496.5)
COBISS: 54244450 Link will open in a new window
Views: 689
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Secondary language: Slovenian
Secondary abstract: This thesis is about the Albanian public's understanding and awareness of Information Literacy (IL) and the role of libraries in implementing policies, fostering Life Long Learning (LLL), and IL. Our research, carried out through a questionnaire, targets the national level, but for the purpose of this research , was distributed only in Central Albania. The survey has shown, that the government and its ministries, libraries and universities, lack an understanding of the concept and use of IL. There are no national strategies, programmes, seminars or IL courses offered or planned to be offered yet, within the various curricula. The concept is often confused with Information and Communication Technology (ICT), and libraries also lack the right infrastructure to support the development of a global knowledge society. Our findings and conclusions on the current state of IL, as it affects the daily life of Albanians, shed light on the importance of IL in the future development of Albanian citizens. This study wants to promote a national discussion on IL issues and it will be helpful for the ministries, libraries, universities, as well as other governmental institutions, to prepare "A National Action Plan" for Information Literacy and its future in Albania. New library and education strategies and initiatives will be proposed, including the outlining of changes in curricula, support and advancement, in the following document. Information Literacy is urgently needed in Albania. New realities require new skills to navigate, evaluate and use information. Universities, libraries and library associations, collaborating with other institutions, are crucial in assisting all levels of users in using information properly in professional and daily life decisions.
Secondary keywords: informacijska pismenost;knjižnice;vseživljensko učenje;a;bolonjske magistrske naloge;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za bibliotekarstvo, informacijsko znanost in knjigarstvo
Pages: 62 f.
ID: 8890073
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