magistrsko delo
Anja Žagar (Author), Alenka Šauperl (Mentor)


Knjižnica sv. Jurija v Piranu je bila še do nedavnega neraziskana in pozabljena, za potrebe njene ohranitve pa se je izoblikovala ekipa, ki je začela s popisovanjem gradiva in raziskovanjem knjižnice. V magistrski nalogi je predstavljen popis gradiva, osrednja raziskovalna tema pa je ugotavljanje klasifikacijske sheme gradiva. Pri analizi podatkov smo se osredotočili na najdene signature, ki smo jih primerjali s signaturami nekaterih slovenskih in italijanskih (samostanskih) knjižnic. S pomočjo prevodov naslovov smo določili tudi tematske skupine gradiva, da bi ugotovili, če obstaja povezava med postavitvijo po policah, tematiko in signaturami. V knjižnici so bile najdene tri vrste signatur: signature, sestavljene iz arabskih številk, signature, sestavljene iz arabskih in rimskih številk, ki so jim pogosto dodane tudi črke, ter signature, sestavljene iz črke in arabske številke. Rezultati analize so pokazali, da signature niso povezane s tematskimi sklopi. Verjetno so bile gradivu dodeljene po sistemu tekoče številke (numerus currens). Ugotovljeno je bilo tudi, da imajo stari in novejši tiski različne vrste signatur in so verjetno stali na različnih lokacijah, vendar je sistem dodelitve signatur enak. Obstaja velika verjetnost, da je bilo gradivo po policah in omarah premešano in ne stoji več v takem vrstnem redu, kot je stalo v času, ko je bila knjižnica v uporabi. V zaključku je predstavljen predlog o preureditvi knjižnice. Ta bi lahko bila urejena po tematskih skupinah ali pa po najdenih signaturah oz. po sistemu tekočih številk (numerus currens).


stari tiski;bibliotekarstvo;knjižnični fondi;kulturna dediščina;klasifikacijska shema;cerkvene knjižnice;specialne knjižnice;numerus currens;signature;popisi;Piran;magistrske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [A. Žagar]
UDC: 026:025.4:27-523(497.4Piran)(043.2)
COBISS: 56905826 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1103
Downloads: 657
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Classification of baroque libraries
Secondary abstract: Library of St. George in Piran was uncharted and forgotten until recently but there was a team formed which started taking a book inventory and researching library. This master's thesis presents inventory of books. The main research theme is to find out the classification scheme of books. At data analysis we focused on cell numbers which were found in library. We compared them with cell numbers of some other Slovenian and Italian (monastic) libraries. With translations of titles we defined theme groups to find out if there is relation between placement of books, themes and cell numbers. There were three sorts of cell numbers found in library: cell numbers which consist of Arabic numerals, cell numbers which consist of Arabic and Latin numerals and often also of letters and cell numbers which consist of letters and Arabic numerals. Analysis results showed that signatures and theme groups are not related. Probably cell numbers had been allotted to books by system named numerus currens. We also found out that old and newest books have different cell numbers and that they had probably been located in different locations but system of giving cell numbers to books had been the same. Probably books were mixed and today they do not stand in the same places as they stood when library was used. In conclusion there is represented a suggestion of rearranging library. It can be arranged by theme groups or by cell numbers (by system numerus currens).
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za bibliotekarstvo, informacijsko znanost in knjigarstvo; študijski program Bibliotekarstvo
Pages: 70 f.
ID: 8890224
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