diplomsko delo
Ana Kac (Author), Darja Senčur Peček (Mentor)


Pripravništvo omogoča, da mladi po zaključenem šolanju pridobijo poleg teoretičnega znanja še praktične izkušnje, ki jim olajšajo prehod iz izobraževanja na trg dela. V diplomski nalogi je poudarek na obstoju in v razlikah dveh vrst pripravništev. Plačano pripravništvo se s pripravnikom sklene na podlagi pogodbe o zaposlitvi, kandidatu pa pripada plača za opravljeno delo najmanj v višini 70 odstotkov osnovne plače, ki bi jo prejel na delovnem mestu, za katerega se usposablja. Druga oblika je volontersko pripravništvo, ki se opravlja na podlagi posebne pisne pogodbe in pod pogojem, da ga dovoljuje področni zakon. Pripravnik volonter ni upravičen do plačila za opravljeno delo. V Republiki Sloveniji se volontersko pripravništvo opravlja predvsem na področju pravosodja, vzgoje in izobraževanja, zdravstva in javne uprave. V nalogi je predstavljena najpomembnejša zakonodaja na nacionalni in mednarodni ravni. S področjem pripravništva in zaposlovanja mladih v državah članicah EU se vse od gospodarske krize naprej aktivno ukvarja Evropska Unija. Pregledani so dokumenti Institucij EU, v naslednjem poglavju pa je predstavljen splošen pregled ureditve pripravništva v državah članicah EU. Trenutna Vlada Republike Slovenije volonterskega pripravništva ne podpira. V zadnjem letu potekajo številne razprave o izboljšanju zakonodaje in iskanju idej, kako mladim ponuditi boljše možnosti od opravljanja brezplačnega pripravništva.


delovno pravo;pripravništvo;volontersko pripravništvo;pripravništvo v državah članicah EU;brezposelnost mladih;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [A. Kac]
UDC: 331.57(043.2)
COBISS: 5068075 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1519
Downloads: 194
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: An traineeship enables young students the opportunity to aquire their supervised practical training and valuable experience, that facilitates their transition from education to the labor market. The focus of this thesis is the existence of two diferent traineeship's that are available to studenst. The first kind is paid internship, which is based on a contract, that insures the candidate a position in the firm and he is in title of an reward that consists of 70% minimum wage for the position he is assigned to. The second kind is voluntary traineeship. This kind of internship can be carried out based on an written contract and under the condition that the traineeship is allowed under sectoral law. The candidate belongs to remuneration amounting to at least 70 per cent of the basic salary which he would have received in the workplace, which is being trained. In the Republic of Slovenia voluntary traineeship is mostly performed in the field of justice, education, health and public administration. The thesis presented the most important legislation on an national and international level. The European Union has been very active in the field of traineeships and youth employment ever since the economic chrisis. Documents of European institutions have been reviewed and in the following chapter there is an general view of traineeship arrangements that are available in the EU member states. Voluntary traineeship are not supported by the current government of the Republic of Slovenia. There have been numerous debates and searches for ideas about improvements of laws in the last year as an effort to offer young people better options to provide them with the ability to complete their voluntary traineeships.
Secondary keywords: traineeship;voluntary traineeship;traineeships in EU Member States;youth unemployment;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak.
Pages: 31 f.
ID: 8900651