magistrsko delo
Pouk spoznavanja okolja mora biti načrtovan tako, da so učenci čim bolj aktivni in da razvijajo spoznavna področja. Učitelji zato pri pouku uporabljajo različne metode dela. Pri načrtovanju dejavnosti za 1. triado učitelji tudi pri spoznavanju okolja uporabljajo metodo didaktične igre. Raziskave so pokazale pozitiven vpliv didaktične igre, ker učenca vključi celostno, ga pritegne, skuša vključiti vsa njegova čutila, spodbudi zanimanje in poveča njegovo zbranost.
Ob pregledu literature sem zasledila ogromno idej in pozitivnih vidikov za vpeljavo didaktičnih iger v pouk, nisem pa zasledila ovrednotenja uporabljenih iger pri pouku naravoslovnih predmetov v osnovni šoli. Omejeno sem si postavila za cilj magistrskega dela. Z njim sem želela ugotoviti, ali je učni pristop s prevladujočo metodo didaktične igre pri pouku spoznavanja okolja v 2. razredu osnovne šole učinkovitejši od tradicionalnega pristopa ter kakšne so izkušnje učiteljic z uporabo didaktičnih iger pri omenjenemu predmetu. Omejila sem se na temi zmesi in vreme, ki se poučujeta v 2. razredu osnovne šole.
V magistrskem delu odgovorim na naslednja raziskovalna vprašanja: 1) ali učenci pri tradicionalnem pristopu in pristopu z uporabo didaktičnih iger usvojijo cilje učne ure; 2) v kolikšni meri usvojijo pojme v povezavi z zmesmi prek didaktičnih iger in pri tradicionalnem poučevanju; 3) v kolikšni meri učenci usvojijo pojme v povezavi z vremenom prek didaktičnih iger in pri tradicionalnem poučevanju; 4) kako in koliko didaktične igre pri pouku spoznavanja okolja uporabljata učiteljici.
V raziskavi je sodelovalo 40 učencev 2. razreda izbrane podeželske šole – 20 učencev v eksperimentalni skupini in 20 učencev v kontrolni skupini. Podatke o predznanju in znanju po pedagoškem eksperimentu sem pridobila s strukturiranimi intervjuji za učence. Intervju je vseboval 10 vprašanj – 5 se jih je nanašalo na temo vreme in 5 na temo zmesi. Pripravila sem tudi vprašanja za polstrukturirani intervju za razredničarki, ki poučujeta v omenjenih razredih. Intervjuja z učiteljicama sem izvedla pred izvedbo učnih ur.
Izsledki raziskave kažejo na pozitiven vpliv metode didaktične igre pri usvajanju znanj. Učenci so usvojili zastavljene učne cilje ter bili med učno uro motivirani in aktivni. Ugotovili smo, da je bilo predznanje učencev pri temah zmesi in vreme pri učencih kontrolne in eksperimentalne skupine skromno. Analiza odgovorov po aktivnostih kaže, da so učenci eksperimentalne skupine v večjem številu pravilno odgovorili na zastavljena vprašanja. V raziskavo vključeni učiteljici didaktičnih iger pri spoznavanju okolja ne uporabljata.
Izsledkov opravljene raziskave ne moremo posplošiti zaradi majhnosti vzorca, izbranih tem in kratkotrajnosti pedagoškega eksperimenta, pa vendar nudijo izhodišče za nadaljnje raziskovanje.
spoznavanje okolja;tradicionalni pristop;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2015 |
Typology: |
2.09 - Master's Thesis |
Organization: |
UL PEF - Faculty of Education |
Publisher: |
[M. Mesec] |
UDC: |
551.515:373.3 |
Views: |
1247 |
Downloads: |
170 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
The efectiveness of the didactic games in learning about weather and mixtures in class 2 in primary school |
Secondary abstract: |
The lessons for environment education must be designed in a way that pupils are active as far as possible and develop cognitive areas. Teachers, therefore, use different methods of work in the classroom. When planning activities for the 1st triad, the teachers also use the method of didactic game in the environment education. Studies have shown positive impact of didactic games, as a pupil is fully involved, attracted, the method is trying to integrate all his senses, provokes interest and increases his concentration.
When reviewing the literature I found many ideas and positive aspects of the introduction of didactic games in teaching, however, I have not noticed the evaluation of the use of games in teaching of Natural sciences subjects in primary school. I set the mentioned fact for the objective of master's thesis. With the master's thesis I wish to find out whether the teaching approach with a predominant method of didactic game in the lessons of environment education in the 2nd grade of primary schools is more effective than traditional approach, and how much experience using didactic games in the said subject do teachers have. I limited to topics mixtures and weather, which are taught in the 2nd grade of primary school.
The thesis answers to the following research questions: 1) do pupils in the traditional approach and in the approach of using didactic games assimilate the objectives of a lesson; 2) to what extent do they assimilate the concepts in connection with mixtures through didactic games and traditional teaching; 3) to what extent do pupils assimilate the concepts in connection with weather through didactic games and traditional teaching; 4) how and to what extent are didactic games used by the teachers in the lessons of environment education.
The study involved 40 pupils from 2nd grade of the selected provincial school, 20 pupils in the experimental group and 20 pupils in the control group. I acquired the data on existing knowledge and data on the knowledge after the pedagogical experiment through structured interviews with pupils. The interview consisted of 10 questions, 5 were related to the topic "weather" and 5 to the topic "mixtures". I also prepared questions for semi-structured interview with class teachers who teach in those classes. Interviews with two teachers were conducted prior to the implementation of lessons.
The research results show positive impact of didactic game method in the assimilation of knowledge. Pupils acquired the set learning goals and were motivated and active during the lesson. We found that the pupils' knowledge in topics of mixture and weather in control and experimental group was poor. Analysis of responses by activities shows that pupils in the experimental group answered correctly to those questions in a larger number. Teachers, included in the research, do not apply didactic games in environment education.
Results of the performed research cannot be generalized due to the small size of the sample, selected topics, and the short term of pedagogical experiment, however, they still offer a starting point for further research. |
Secondary keywords: |
science education;primary school;naravoslovna vzgoja in izobraževanje;osnovna šola; |
File type: |
application/pdf |
Type (COBISS): |
Master's thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak. |
Pages: |
XIII, 140 str. |
ID: |
8900811 |