diplomsko delo
Ines Tement (Author), Julija Volmajer Valh (Mentor), Mojca Poberžnik (Co-mentor)


V okviru problematike razgradnje pesticidov, ki se skladiščijo v prsti in vodah, smo v diplomski nalogi na osnovi eksperimentov ugotavljali razgradnjo predhodno izbranega pesticida, ki ga lahko detektiramo v UV/VIS področju. Razpad le-tega oziroma razgradnjo smo spremljali s pomočjo naprednega oksidacijskega postopka, ob prisotnosti ultravijolične svetlobe. Spremljali smo razgradnjo herbicida piklorama, ki se uporablja za zatiranje ali uničevanje širokolistnih plevelov, dreves in grmovja. Eksperimente smo izvajali v reaktorju ob prisotnosti ultravijolične (UV) žarnice pri različnih eksperimentalnih pogojih, spremljali smo: koncentracijo piklorama v raztopini, moč UV-žarnice in koncentracijo vodikovega peroksida. Učinkovitost razgradnje piklorama smo spremljali z UV/VIS spektroskopijo in s plinsko kromatografijo podprto z masno spektrometrijo. Na podlagi dobljenih rezultatov analiznih metod lahko zaključimo, da smo s pomočjo šaržnega reaktorja z vgrajeno UV-žarnico ob prisotnosti vodikovega peroksida, kakor tudi brez vodikovega peroksida, uspeli razgraditi raztopino piklorama. Strupenost piklorama, tj. pred in po obdelavi, smo testirali z akutnim testom strupenosti z bakterijami Vibrio fischeri in vodnimi bolhami Daphnia magna. Glede na izvedena testa se toksičnost raztopine piklorama po obdelavi bistveno ne poveča.


pikloram;pesticidi;herbicidi;napredni oksidacijski postopki;postopek H2O2/UV;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Publisher: [I. Tement]
COBISS: 19128342 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1472
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Decomposition of pesticides by advanced oxidation processes
Secondary abstract: In this diploma paper we established the decommissioning of previously selected pesticide that can be detected in the UV / VIS field on the basis of experiments within the context of the problem of degradation of pesticides that are stored in the soil and water. The dissolution of it and degradation was monitored with the help of advanced oxidation processes in the presence of ultraviolet light. We monitored the degradation of the herbicide picloram, which is used for the control or destruction of broadleaf weeds, trees and shrubs. Experiments were carried out in a reactor in the presence of ultraviolet (UV) lamp in different experimental conditions, and we monitored: picloram concentration in the solution, the power of the UV lamps, and the concentration of hydrogen peroxide. The efficiency of the degradation of picloram was monitored by UV/VIS spectroscopy and gas chromatography, supported by mass spectrometry. Based on the results of the analytical methods we can conclude that with the help of the batch reactor with the built-in UV lamp we managed to break the picloram solution in the presence of hydrogen peroxide, as well as hydrogen peroxide. Toxicity of picloram, i.e. before and after treatment, was tested for acute toxicity tests with bacteria Vibrio fischeri and the water flea Daphnia magna. According to the conducted test the toxicity of picloram solution after treatment does not significantly increase.
Secondary keywords: pikloram;pesticides;herbicides;advanced oxidation processes;H2O2/UV process;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za strojništvo
Pages: XII, 59 f.
ID: 8901579