diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študijskega programa I. stopnje
Nika Krampl (Author), Peter Krajnc (Mentor), Muzafera Paljevac (Co-mentor)


V diplomski nalogi smo se osredotočili na vpliv morfoloških značilnosti poroznih polimetilmetakrilatov na njihove fizikalne lastnosti. Polimerni monoliti so bili pripravljeni s polimerizacijo kontinuirne faze emulzije z visokim deležem notranje faze, polimerizacijo v masi in sonokemično. Polimerizacijo v masi dobimo tako, da v čaši zmešamo zamreževalo, monomer in porogen ter na koncu dodamo še radikalski iniciator, ki je bil α,α'-azoizobutironitril. Uporabljena monomera sta bila glicidil metakrilat in metil metakrilat, kot zamreževalo pa smo uporabili etilenglikol dimetakrilat. Potrebno je bilo poiskati primeren porogen; najustreznejša sta bila cikloheksanol in izopropanol. Polimerizacija je potekla v kalupu pri temperaturi 55 °C. Pri polimerizaciji kontinuirne faze emulzije z visokim deležem notranje faze smo polimerizirali emulzijo, ki je vsebovala monomere, iniciator in surfaktant. Uporabljena monomera in zamreževalo so bili enaki kot pri polimerizaciji v masi. Uporabljeni surfaktant je bil PEL 121. Kot radikalski iniciator smo uporabili kombinacijo kalijevega persulfata in N,N,N',N'-tetrametil-etan-1,2-diamina. Polimerizirali smo v kalupu pri temperaturi 40 °C. Pri sonokemiji je bil postopek sestavljen iz priprave HIP emulzije, katero smo ultrasonificirali in jo nato polimerizirali v kalupu pri temperaturi 45 °C. Tako pripravljene polimerne monolite je bilo potrebno očistiti v primernem topilu. Z vrstičnim elektronskim mikroskopom smo preverili njihove strukture. Z infrardečo spektroskopijo smo potrdili njihovo kemijsko strukturo. Njihovo specifično površino smo določili z adsorpcijsko/desorpcijsko porozimetrijo (BET metodo). Nato smo jih poslali še na testiranje fizikalnih lastnosti, kjer smo testirali stisljivost in nateznost. Opazili smo, da se je struktura spreminjala, tako smo dobili največje dimenzije por polimernih monolitov pri polimerizaciji kontinuirne faze HIP emulzije, sledila je polimerizacija v masi in nazadnje priprava polimernih monolitov z uporabo ultrazvoka. Spreminjala se je tudi specifična površina. Največja je bila pri monolitu poliHIPE, najmanjša pa pri monolitu pripravljenem s polimerizacijo v masi. Prav tako so se spreminjale tudi fizikalne lastnosti polimernih materialov, kar je posledica spreminjanja strukture (velikosti in porazdelitve por).


glicidil metakrilat;polimeri;fizikalne lastnosti;velikost por;moniliti;poliHIPE;polimerizacija v masi;miniemulzija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Publisher: [N. Krampl]
UDC: 66.095.26(043.2)
COBISS: 19085078 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2019
Downloads: 135
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The influence of morphological characteristics of porous polymethylmethacrylates on physical characteristics
Secondary abstract: In this graduation thesis we present the influence of morphological characteristics of porous polymethylmethacrylates on physical characteristics. Porous monoliths were prepared with bulk polymerization, polymerization of continuous phase of emulsion with a high volume fraction of internal phase and with sonochemistry. Bulk polymerization is achieved by mixing crosslinker, monomer and porogen , finally initiator is added. As monomer metyl metacrylate and glycidyl methacrylate were used, as crosslinker ethylene glycol dimethacrylate was used. An appropriate porogen had to be found, isopropanol and cyclohexanol were used for this purpose. The radical initiator azoisobutyronitrile was used. We polymerized in a mold at the temperature of 55 degrees Celzius. At polymerization of continuous phase of emulsion with a high volume fraction of internal phase we polymerized emulsion which contains monomers, initiator and surfactant. The crosslinker and monomer were the same as with bulk polymerization. The surfactant was poly(ethylene glycol)-poly(propylene glycol)-poly(ethylene glycol). As radical initiator a combination of potassium persulfate and N,N,N',N'-tetramethylethane-1,2-diamine was used. We polymerized in a mold at the temperature of 40 degrees Celzius. At sonochemistry the procedure was composed of the preparation of high internal phase emulsion (HIPE), which was sonicated and then polymerized in a mold at the temperature of 45 degrees Celzius. Prepared polymer monolyths were cleaned in an appropriate solvent. Polymer monoliths' structures were checked with scanning electron microscope, chemical structure was confirmed with infrared spectroscopy. With adsorption/desorption porosimetry (BET method) their specific surface was defined. Then they were sent to physical characteristic testing, where their compression and tension was tested. It was noticed that their structure was changing so we got the biggest dimensions of pores of polymer monoliths at polymerization of continuous phase HIPE, bulk polymerization followed and finally a preparation of polymer monoliths with the use of ultrasound. The specific surface area was changing as well. The biggest was at monolith polyHIPE, and the smallest at monolith prepared with bulk polymerization. Physical characteristics of polymer materials were also changing, this is a consequence of changing a structure (size and distribution of pores).
Secondary keywords: glycidyl;methacrylate;polymers;polyHIPE;bulk polymerization;miniemulsion;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo
Pages: X, 49 str.
ID: 8901604
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